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Banking Stem Cells: A Regenexx Option

Like it or not we are all aging.  Over time the yoga pose, the last switch back up a peak and the last 5 minutes on the elliptical machine become harder.

As we age there is a general decline in body function.  This also applies to stem cells which become less active with age.

Banking stem cells is a viable option.  It  means saving your cells for future use.

This is not an option at most practices since they do not have a state of the art lab like Regenexx.  Most practices use bedside centrifuge units to process your cell stems as opposed to Regenexx’s 4 full-time cell biologists.

Banked  stem cells may be able to used at a later date either for your current problem or future problems.  At the Centeno-Schultz Clinic mesnechymal stem cells are just one of the many treatment options aimed a maximizing a patient’s potential.

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Insurance may cover office visits, consultations, diagnostic testing, examinations and bracing. However, most insurance does not currently cover Regenexx Procedures at this time.