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Symptomatic Craniocervical Instability Quiz

1. Do you have any history of significant head or neck trauma that caused these symptoms? This means that your symptoms began within a few weeks of that trauma.
2. Do you have hypermobility or hypermobile EDS? This means that you feel that you are hyper flexible?
3. Please place a check mark by the symptoms you have and that are disabling (prevent you from functioning like your peers). Do not place a check mark by the symptoms that you get on an occasional basis or that are not disabling:
4. When I wear a cervical collar, some or all of my symptoms get better.
5. AO or NUCCA chiropractic (specialized upper cervical chiropractic and NOT general chiropractic) make my symptoms better temporarily.
Do I Have Symptomatic Craniocervical Instability (CCI)?
This online test is NOT meant to be a substitute for or intended to be medical advice. It is solely to determine if you may want to get further work-up for CCI.

Is Craniocervical Instability Affecting You?

Discover symptoms, causes, and treatment options.

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