Over the last several days you noticed that you have left arm numbness. Your mind is wildly looking for answers. What causes it? When should you be concerned about it? What are the treatment options? Let’s dig in.
Sitting or lying on the couch too long while watching a game or series can cause left arm numbness which promptly resolves with movement. This is typically caused by restricted blood flow or excessive pressure on a nerve. If numbness in the arm is abrupt in onset or persists, this is a warning sign!
What Causes Left Arm Numbness?
Left-arm numbness can be frightening. There are many causes, and the major ones include:
1. Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
Thoracic outlet syndrome is a group of disorders that involve the compression and irritation of the nerves, arteries, and veins in the lower neck and chest (1). Pain is a major symptom and can be intermittent or constant and varies in severity and quality. The pain can involve the lower neck, collar bone, and hand. Left-arm numbness can also be present.
2. Cervical Nerve Irritation
The neck is composed of seven building blocks called vertebral bodies. Sandwiched between each of the building blocks is a disc. They are important shock absorbers in the neck. Nerves exit the spine at each level sending important information to the arm and hand. Unfortunately, cervical discs can be injured by trauma, degeneration, infection, and arthritis (2). Common cervical disc injuries are bulges or herniations both of which can cause cervical nerve irritation or compression. This compression can result in a number of symptoms which include left arm numbness.
3. Cervical Stenosis
The spinal cord extends from the brain down to the low back. It is enclosed in the spinal canal which contains spinal fluid and the spinal cord. If the spinal canal becomes narrowed the spinal cord can become irritated or compressed. This compression is called stenosis and causes a number of symptoms including left arm numbness (3). To learn more about cervical stenosis please click in the video below.
A heart attack occurs when there are insufficient blood flow and oxygen to the heart. This can occur as a result of reduced or blocked blood flow due to a blood clot or plaque. A heart attack is a serious medical emergency. Symptoms include chest discomfort, lightheadedness, nausea, and shortness of breath. Patients may have arm pain or numbness. If you or somebody with you has these symptoms immediate evaluation is required. CALL 911 immediately.
A stroke occurs when there is an interruption of blood flow to the brain (4). There are two major types of strokes: ischemic and hemorrhagic. In an ischemic stroke, blood clots or fatty deposits within the blood vessel restrict blood flow to the brain. In a hemorrhagic stroke, one or more blood vessels rupture. In both cases, there is impaired brain blood flow. Brain cells start dying. Symptoms vary in character and intensity.
FAST is an important acronym to help detect and enhance responsiveness to the needs of a person having a stroke
Facial Drooping
Arm weakness or numbness
Speech difficulties
Time. If any of the above symptoms are present time is critical. CALL 911
6. Nerve Injury
Nerves pass through muscles, tendons, ligaments, and boney surfaces and they coarse through the arm to the hand. They are susceptible to compression, irritation, or injury at multiple points. Symptoms include pain tingling, weakness, and arm numbness. Common sites of compression include the elbow and wrist. Common peripheral nerve injuries include:
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Numbness and tingling in the hand and arm due to compression of the median nerve at the level of the wrist. It is the most common peripheral nerve compression condition in the upper arm. It is a condition of middle-aged individuals and affects females more often than males (5). You may experience numbness after carpal tunnel surgery.
Cubital Tunnel Syndrome: involves compression of the ulnar nerve at the level of the elbow. Symptoms include forearm pain, weakness n the hand, and numbness and tingling in the ring and fifth finger. Cubital tunnel syndrome is the second most common peripheral nerve entrapment neuropathy in the upper limb (6). Risk factors for cubital tunnel syndrome include diabetes, obesity, trauma, and holding a tool for prolonged periods with elbow bent (7).
Brachial Plexus Injury
The brachial plexus involves five nerve roots from C5 to T1. Brachial plexus injuries can vary greatly from mild to severe. They have multiple causes and often occur concurrently with other injuries; that makes their diagnosis complicated.
However, an injury to this plexus of nerves can affect the movement of the entire arm and forearm. Let’s discuss all the details of brachial plexus injury, including its symptoms, diagnosis, and how it’s treated.
Common Cervical Radiculopathy symptoms include neck pain, arm pain, shoulder pain radiating down arm to fingers, numbness, tingling, and weakness. Cervical Radiculopathy is a clinical condition in which a nerve or nerves in your neck become irritated or compressed. It is also known as ” a pinched nerve,” The causes are discussed below. It can affect individuals of any age with peak prominence between ages 40-50 years of age. Cervical Radiculopathy is due to spinal nerve inflammation, irritation, or compression. The most common causes of Cervical Radiculopathy are: Disc Injury – The disc is an important shock absorber. Unfortunately, it is susceptible to injury.
Cervical vertigo is a syndrome where individuals experience neck pain, dizziness, and imbalance. It is commonly seen in patients with cervical pathology. Vertigo has many vestibular and neurological causes as well. Therefore, it is especially important to rule out these causes before diagnosing cervical vertigo because the treatment is different for each condition.
In patients with cervical vertigo, intermittent neck pain and disequilibrium can be extremely debilitating. If you have this condition and it is affecting your daily life, read on further to find out what causes it and how it can be treated.
A facet cyst, also known as a synovial cyst, is a fluid-filled sac that forms in the facet joint of the spine. The facet joints are small joints located between the vertebrae of the spine that provide stability and enable movement. Facet cysts typically develop due to degeneration and wear and tear of the facet joint, which can cause the joint capsule to stretch and weaken. This weakened capsule can then allow synovial fluid, which normally lubricates and nourishes the joint, to leak out and form a cyst. Facet cysts can cause various symptoms such as back pain, leg pain…
Golfer’s elbow involves tears in the ulnar collateral ligament and pain or soreness on the inside of the elbow. The bony bump you feel there is the medial epicondyle of the humerus (upper arm bone). There are five forearm muscles that attach at this point, all of which are involved in helping to flex or rotate the forearm and wrist. Pain can get worse when you throw a ball, grip a dumbbell, turn a screwdriver, and other movements that involve the fingers, hand, wrist, and/or elbow. Tennis elbow is similar, however, it refers to the outside of the elbow, at the lateral epicondyle.
Cervical discs, also known as intervertebral discs of the cervical spine, are the specialized structures located between the vertebrae in the neck region. These discs play a crucial role in providing cushioning, flexibility, and support to the cervical spine. Structure: Cervical discs have a unique structure consisting of two main components: Nucleus Pulposus: The nucleus pulposus is the central, gel-like core of the disc. It is composed of a jelly-like substance with a high water content, giving it a soft and elastic nature. The nucleus pulposus is responsible for absorbing and distributing forces acting on…
Lateral epicondylitis otherwise known as tennis elbow is an overuse injury involving the extensor muscles that originate on the bony prominence (epicondyle) on the outside (lateral) aspect of the elbow. It is more properly termed tendinosis that specifically involves the origin of the extensor carpi radialis brevis muscle. In a study, Nirschl and Pettrone attributed the cause of lateral epicondylitis to be tearing in the origin of the extensor carpi radialis brevis (ECRB) muscle (1).
The extensor carpi radialis brevis (ECRB) muscle originates from the lateral epicondyle. It functions to move the wrist so that the hand moves away from the palm and towards the thumb.
We talk a lot about leg pain stemming from a pinched or irritated nerve in the lower back. And, indeed, that’s what our physicians are traditionally taught in medical school—a pinched nerve in the lumbar spine typically presents as a symptom in the leg. However, what if you have some butt pain but no pain or other symptoms in the leg? Does this mean it couldn’t be a pinched nerve? Not so fast. Turns out a pinched low back nerve doesn’t always have to be accompanied by leg symptoms.
Let’s start by taking a look at how the back is structured.
The radial nerve is the largest nerve in the upper limb. It starts in the shoulder and travels through the forearm to the back of the wrist. It has nerve fibers from C5, C6, C7, C8, and T1 nerve roots. Radial nerve palsy = damage to the radial nerve which affects the muscles the nerve goes to, creating weakness in those muscles, clinically presenting with wrist drop….the inability to extend the wrist. But the radial nerve innervates many muscles of the upper arm and forearm. When injured, nerve recovery varies widely taking weeks, months, and in some cases years to recover. Addressing the underlying…
Slipping Rib Syndrome can be incredibly painful and is often misdiagnosed. It is also known as rib dislocation, rib subluxation, Tietze syndrome, Davies–Colley’s syndrome, rib-tip syndrome, painful rib syndrome, costochondral separation, and clicking or moving rib syndrome. It is very common for athletes involved in contact sports to get a slipped rib. Trauma causes stretching and sometimes tearing of the ligament attachments of the rib, creating instability. We also see this in many of our motor vehicle accident patients, caused by the seat belt and/or airbag. Once damaged, it can take several weeks to resolve (4-12 weeks). After 3 months, if the rib continues to…
Spinal instability is a condition that occurs when the spinal column is not able to maintain its normal alignment and function under normal loads. It can be caused by various factors such as trauma, degenerative changes, infections, tumors, or congenital abnormalities. In a stable spine, the bones, discs, ligaments, and muscles work together to support and protect the spinal cord and nerve roots. However, in an unstable spine, the structures that support the spine may be damaged or weakened. This can lead to abnormal movement and excessive stress on the spinal cord and nerves. In most cases, bone and joint problems…
Spinal stenosis is the narrowing of the central spinal canal and is a cause of significant pain and disability. Common causes of spinal stenosis include disc protrusion, facet overgrowth and ligamentum flavum thickening. Surgery is often chosen when conservative therapies fail despite the lack of convincing evidence that it is a superior treatment option. Are there alternatives to back surgery for spinal stenosis? Yes. Regenexx DDD utilizes precise platelet injections into the facets, muscles, and ligaments to treat the lumbar stenosis, treating all of the components of the issue, which is crucial. Spinal stenosis is often an age-related condition attributed…
Cysts are abnormal, closed sacs that contain fluid, gas or semi-fluid material. They can develop in various parts of the body. They can vary in size from very small to large and can be located within organs, tissues or bones.
Cysts can be either benign (non-cancerous) or malignant (cancerous). Most cysts are benign. They occur due to a number of different reasons that include obstruction, infection, chronic inflammation, instability or cellular abnormalities.
So, thoracic spine cysts are abnormal, closed sacs that occur in the spine below the neck and above the low back.
The thoracic outlet is an area around the collar bone where the nerves that come from your neck meet up with the blood vessels from your heart and together supply the entire upper extremity (shoulder and arm). These blood vessels (subclavian artery and vein) and nerves (brachial plexus) travel from the base of your neck to your armpit (axilla) and are considered the “thoracic outlet”. Now that you know what the thoracic outlet is, what is thoracic outlet syndrome? Simply listening to a patient’s history and completing a physical examination is all that is needed to diagnose TOS. But more involved imaging such as X-rays…
Thoracic radiculopathy is a painful medical condition that affects both men and women alike. Pain, paresthesia, decreased sensation, and weakness are the major symptoms. Radiculopathy refers to the whole complex of symptoms that can be caused by irritation or compression of a nerve root in the spine. Thoracic radiculopathy is irritation or compression of a thoracic spinal nerve. Causes of radiculopathy in the thoracic region are thoracic disc injuries, thoracic facet arthritis, ligament thickening, facet cyst, unstable rib attachments, and bone spurs. Diagnosis of thoracic radiculopathy can be difficult….
Simply put, ulnar neuropathy refers to the compression or damage to the ulnar nerve in the arm. It affects up to 6% of the population, based on reports.The ulnar nerve is one of three main nerves in the arm that run from the shoulder to the hand and is responsible for providing sensation to the small and ring fingers and for controlling the movement of specific hand muscles. When the ulnar nerve is damaged or compressed, it can lead to a range of symptoms, including pain, numbness, weakness, and tingling in the affected hand. The symptoms of ulnar neuropathy can…
Unexplained arm numbness requires immediate attention. If left arm numbness is abrupt in onset and not due to trauma or compromised posture time is of the essence. Call 911!
Treatment Options for Left Arm Numbness
Treatment depends upon the underlying cause of the arm numbness. Left-arm numbness is a warning sign that requires attention. As noted above unexplained numbness requires immediate attention.
At the Centeno-Schultz Clinic, we are experts in the treatment of left-arm numbness due to cervical nerve irritation, cervical stenosis, thoracic outlet syndrome, and peripheral nerve injuries. When appropriate first-line treatment should involve conservative care including physical therapy and stretching. Steroid injections should be avoided as they are toxic to orthopedic tissue and can accelerate damage (8)
Surgery for Cervical Stenosis and Thoracic Outlet Syndrome is major surgery and associated with significant risks. These risks include infection, nerve damage, failure to fuse, and Adjacent Segment Disease. A previous blog details the risks and nonsurgical treatment options for Cervical Stenosis.
Treatment options include stem cells and platelets. At the Centeno-Schultz Clinic, there are different PRP treatment options for different conditions. Platelet lysate is ideal for the treatment of nerve injuries. It super concentrates growth factors found in platelets. To learn more about platelet lysate and growth factors please click on the video below.
In Conclusion
Left-arm numbness can be alarming. The major causes include Thoracic Outlet Syndrome, cervical nerve injury, Cervical Stenosis, heart attack, stroke, and nerve injury. Unexplained left arm numbness requires immediate attention. Treatment options depend upon the underlying cause. The Centeno-Schultz Clinic Physicians are experts in the non-surgical treatment of left arm numbness due to thoracic outlet syndrome, cervical stenosis, cervical nerve injury, and peripheral nerve compression. Treatment options include PRP and stem cells. Left-arm numbness is a warning signal that requires attention. If abrupt in onset and not due to trauma or compromised posture time is of the essence.
If you are or a loved one is suffering from progressive left arm numbness due to cervical, thoracic injuries or peripheral nerve compression, please contact us. Schedule a Telemedicine consult with a board-certified physician who can review your history, studies, and provide you the best nonsurgical treatment option. Listen to your body as it is warning you!