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The Centeno-Schultz Blog

PRP for Hip Labral Tear

The hip labrum is a ring of fibrocartilage attached to the socket of the hip, or acetabulum. It provides stability and deepens the joint. The hip labrum is susceptible to injury and can tear. Tears are thought to be from gradual wear and tear, trauma, congenital malformation (dysplasia), impingement, and joint laxity.Read more about PRP for Hip Labral Tear

PRP for MCL Tears & Sprains

Physical therapy and RICE are the first-line treatments for MCL injuries. Prolotherapy is also an option in less severe cases, but where ligaments are more severely damaged, PRP and/or bone marrow concentrate (containing stem cells) may be called for as the next nonsurgical treatment option.Read more about PRP for MCL Tears & Sprains

PRP for Meniscus Tears

A recent study examined the effectiveness and safety of intrameniscal platelet-rich plasma injections for chronic meniscal tears. It was a randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled study that included 72 patients. Baseline characteristics between control and PRP-treated patients were similar.Read more about PRP for Meniscus Tears

PRP for Nerve Damage

Peripheral nerves are comprised of various combinations of motor, sensory, and autonomic neurons. Nerve injuries are a common condition with a broad range of symptoms depending on the severity of nerve damage which presents various challenges to patients, ranging from mild discomfort to life-long impairment.Read more about PRP for Nerve Damage

PRP for Osteoarthritis

To discuss PRP for Osteoarthritis we need to define Osteoarthritis. Arthritis is a general term for painful conditions that involve one or more body joints such as the knee and hip. Most types of arthritis involve pain, swelling, and stiffness. There are more than 100 types of arthritis.Read more about PRP for Osteoarthritis

PRP for PCL Sprains & Tears

Physical therapy and RICE are the first-line treatments for PCL injuries. Prolotherapy is also an option in less severe cases, but where ligaments are more severely damaged, PRP and/or bone marrow concentrate (containing stem cells) may be called for as the next nonsurgical treatment option.Read more about PRP for PCL Sprains & Tears