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PRP And Stem Cell Based Ligament Treatments: What To Expect

Vlog on how ligaments respond to PRP and stem cell treatments.


Hi. It’s Dr. Centeno

And today we’re going to talk about how ligaments respond to PRP and stem cells. Now, patients can really be confused and anxious after precise PRP or stem cell injections into a damaged ligament.

They just don’t understand the phases and what’s happening to them. So, they don’t understand their symptoms will kind of go up and down after this procedure. So let’s delve into that. 

How Ligaments Respond to PRP and Stem Cells in Three Phases


First Phase: Inflammation

So the first phase happens right away.and lasts one to two weeks. And, that’s the inflammatory phase. Cells are called to the area to help the repair job.

Second Phase: Proliferation

The second phase occurs later – two to six weeks time-frame – where local ligament and progenitor cells begin laying down new tissue. 

But that tissue or that collagen or extracellular matrix is disorganized. 

Third Phase: Maturation

And then the third phase happens when that disorganized collagen reorganizes into strong ligament tissue. That takes six weeks to – really – three months, all the way out to six months to a year. 

What Does the Patient Feel Like During these Phases?

The patient feels different during these three phases.

  1. In the first phase – the painful inflammation phase, one to two weeks – they might feel increased pain. Or, they might actually feel much better because a very loose ligament is now tight. 
  2. Then, the pain calms down. And, as the swelling leaves, the area that was pretty stable may feel unstable again, and some of the symptoms may return. 
  3. And, then, as time goes on, the area slowly feels tighter and better.

Now realize, if you’re getting repetitive treatments, it’s usually two steps forward and one step back. So, you get some relief and then some of the pain returns. 

You get some relief, and then some of the pain returns. But it doesn’t go back to where it was (see image).




So in conclusion, 

  • Regenmed healing in ligaments has 3 phases. 
  • Understanding which phase you’re in will help you interpret what you’re feeling and what’s happening. 
  • Serial treatments often have the effect of two steps forward and one step back.
  • And make sure that you only trust a well-trained physician with your ligament procedure who uses advanced biologics and precise-imaging guidance, like the kind you’ll find on the Regenexx network. 

Thanks so much and have a great day!