Shoulder pain can arise from many causes including osteoarthritis, loss of cartilage and damage to the supporting muscles and tendons. Shoulder arthroscopy is often deemed essential to repair torn or degenerative tendons. Often during shoulder arthroscoppy one or more tendons is mechanically re-attached to the bone in an effort to remove the “damaged” or diseased segment. Unfortunately this can lead to over tightening of the tendon which places disproportionate pressure and force on the joint. The increased force can and typically results is arthritis and degeneration of the joint. So the arthroscopic shoulder surgery that was intended to ‘fix” the problem actually results in long term injury.
Using Stem Cell Therapy as a Shoulder Surgery Alternative
At the Centeno-Schultz Clinic we offer regenerative options to repair tendons. Using your own stem cells we can place them exactly in the area of damage. This is accomplished through intermittent x-ray. Today I injected a patent’s own stem cells along their biceps tendon that had a documented tear on MRI. It was a simple needle in, needle out procedure that took less than 10 minutes.