The COVID-19 pandemic has been devastating on a worldwide basis. Many patients with COVID develop severe lung and breathing problems requiring admission to the hospital and assistance with breathing. This assistance includes supplementation of oxygen, aerosolized medications, and if severe mechanical ventilation.

We have all witnessed on TV and the internet patients with breathing tubes and machines pushing oxygen in and out of their lungs.

As a nation, we all cheer and give thanks as we witness patients who after weeks in ICU are being discharged. Their friends and family rejoice in their ability to overcome such a serious virus and return home. Unfortunately for many the pain and limitation continue. Many patients who have contracted COVID and suffered severe lung involvement continue to have persistent breathing problems. Walking down the hall to the kitchen can be almost impossible at times. While the viral infection is gone the shortness of breath and limited level of activity persists.
Treatment options and access to doctors are limited.
The Centeno Schultz Clinic have been pioneers in regenerative medicine. In 2005 we were the first clinic in the world to inject stem cells into the lumbar spine. We have pioneered the effective use of PRP and stem cells in the treatment of common orthopedic injuries including knee, shoulder, and spine injuries. These advances have saved thousands of patients from the dependence on addictive medications, toxic and destructive pain procedures, and life-changing, irreversible surgeries.
PRP has been demonstrated to be effective in a number of clinical applications including knee arthritis (1), shoulder rotator cuff injuries (2), hip osteoarthritis (3), and carpal tunnel syndrome (4). PRP may also provide help to those who have breathing problems and activity intolerance after contracting COVID. The Centeno -Schultz Clinic is here to help. We are committed to finding solutions.
We are very proud to announce a new no-cost clinical study for patients who have breathing problems and limited levels of activity due to COIVD infection. The goal of the study is to determine whether nebulized PRP can help patients with compromised breathing and activity due to COVID infection. A nebulizer is a drug delivery device where medication is aerosolized and inhaled into the lungs. Nebulizers are commonly used in the treatment of asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The study is a randomized controlled study which means patients will be randomized to receive the active PRP treatment or placebo. Patients will have daily doses of inhaled treatment for 4 weeks followed by tests performed in the clinic. The second phase includes 4 weeks of daily inhaled treatments followed by additional tests at the clinic.
Highlights of New PRP Study for Patient With Breathing Difficulties Due to ARDS
- Patients must be local residents of the Denver-Boulder-Colorado Springs-Fort Collins corridor as they will be required to come to the clinic for new patient evaluation and follow-up appointments at 4 weeks, 8 weeks, 3 months, and 6 months.
- Patients must have had acute respiratory syndrome ( ARDS) requiring mechanical ventilation or oxygen in the ICU.
- Patients must have activity intolerance due to shortness of due as a result of ARDS
- Patients can NOT be greater than 2Liters of oxygen
- Patients can NOT be on chronic inhaled steroids
If you are interested in seeing if you are a candidate for participating in this study, please email us at [email protected] or call 720-287-7199.
1.Tavassoli M, Janmohammadi N, Hosseini A, Khafri S, Esmaeilnejad-Ganji SM. Single- and double-dose of platelet-rich plasma versus hyaluronic acid for treatment of knee osteoarthritis: A randomized controlled trial. World J Orthop. 2019 Sep 18;10(9):310-326. doi: 10.5312/wjo.v10.i9.310. PMID: 31572668; PMCID: PMC6766465.
2.Shams A, El-Sayed M, Gamal O, Ewes W. Subacromial injection of autologous platelet-rich plasma versus corticosteroid for the treatment of symptomatic partial rotator cuff tears. Eur J Orthop Surg Traumatol. 2016 Dec;26(8):837-842. doi: 10.1007/s00590-016-1826-3. Epub 2016 Aug 20. PMID: 27544678.
3.Dallari D, Stagni C, Rani N, Sabbioni G, Pelotti P, Torricelli P, Tschon M, Giavaresi G. Ultrasound-Guided Injection of Platelet-Rich Plasma and Hyaluronic Acid, Separately and in Combination, for Hip Osteoarthritis: A Randomized Controlled Study. Am J Sports Med. 2016 Mar;44(3):664-71. doi: 10.1177/0363546515620383. Epub 2016 Jan 21. PMID: 26797697.
4.Jeyaraman M, Ranjan R, Kumar R, et al. Cellular Therapy: Shafts of Light Emerging for COVID-19. Stem Cell Investig. 2020;7:11. Published 2020 Jun 30. doi:10.21037/sci-2020-022