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Walking the Walk in Grand Cayman

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Like all physicians at the Centeno-Schultz Clinic, I have the opportunity to rotate down to the Grand Cayman Clinic three times a year.

The Regenexx Cayman Clinic is unique in that it affords the physician the ability to use culture-expanded stem cells in addition to platelet and same-day stem cell treatments. Culture-expanded stem cell treatments are called Regenexx C. The link below provides additional  information.

Regenexx Cayman Clinic and Regenexx C offers distinct advantages not available in the United States. Let’s review a couple of these advantages.

Treatment of multiple joints

This week I have had the privilege of treating multiple patients, all of whom have multiple sites of injuries. For example, at Regenexx Cayman Clinic, I may treat both knees, the lumbar spine, and a hip joint in a given patient. Why? Because the patient’s stem cells have been cultured expanded to a much high number, which means more areas can be effectively treated.

Storage of your stem cells

Unlike in the United States, patients can cryopreserve their stem cells for future use. Many NFL athletes have taken advantage of this to date.

By freezing your stem cells, you stop the cellular biologic clock. Unlike our own stem cells, which age on a daily basis, cryopreserved cells do not age.

Do I Believe in the Regenexx Cayman Clinic and Regenexx C?

Absolutely, as I have personally witnessed the clinical results of my patients over the last seven years. I am so convinced of its efficacy that I underwent a bone marrow aspiration for storage, which was captured below. My friend Dr. Mayo Friedlis from Washington, DC, was gracious enough to perform a pain-free ultrasound-guided bone marrow aspirate over the lunch hour. I resumed afternoon clinic thereafter.

The board-certified, fellowship-trained physicians at Centeno-Schultz Clinic are truly unique in that if a given patient has multiple areas of injury that require treatment, they can offer Regenexx C in the Regenexx Cayman Clinic. No other physicians in Colorado have that option nor are they able to offer cryopreservation of your stem cells.