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The Centeno-Schultz Blog

Shoulder Pain When Sleeping

There are several reasons why shoulder pain at night occurs or is aggravated; The common explanations include: Sleep typically involves a static position lasting hours at a time with little or no movement. Sleeping on your side places additional pressure on the tendons and bursa of the shoulder.Read more about Shoulder Pain When Sleeping

Shoulder Popping

Noises in the joints, such as popping, cracking, or clicking, can be quite disturbing and cause concern.  That popping feeling is called crepitus.  That’s something to be ignored, right? It certainly seems harmless enough—after all, there’s no pain, just that annoying popping when you move your shoulder this way or that.Read more about Shoulder Popping

SI Joint Pain

The SI Joint is an important joint in the lower back that can cause pain and dysfunction.  Pain is typically one-sided involving the low back and buttock but when severe can radiate down the leg.  Each of us has a right and left SI joint.  The pelvic ring consists of the two SI Joints and the symphysis pubis.Read more about SI Joint Pain

Sore Neck

A sore neck is one of the more common musculoskeletal disorders with a global prevalence ranging between 16–75% (1). The causes of a sore neck are very complex due to the various anatomical structures in the neck area. Some of which are much more common than others. The cause helps determines the treatment plan.  So, if you have a sore neck, read on.Read more about Sore Neck

Stiff Neck

A painful stiff neck affects one in three people every year, and is most prevalent in the 35-49-year age group. It causes significant disability for all those affected, but is more commonly seen in women. A stiff neck can be a symptom of vascular disease, inflammatory disorders, infection, and malignancy.Read more about Stiff Neck

Subtalar Joint Pain

Ankle pain can be debilitating making a simple step almost impossible, and a common source of ankle pain is the Subtalar joints. What are the Subtalar Joints? Why does my Subtalar Joint Hurt? What Movement Occurs at the Subtalar joint? What are the treatment options for Subtalar Joint Pain? Let’s dig in.Read more about Subtalar Joint Pain

Thoracic Facet Joint Pain

Symptoms of a thoracic facet joint injury will vary depending upon severity of the injury and which facet joint is injured. The joints have established pain referral patterns (2). Drefus et al demonstrated that pain from a given facet joint does not occur in the immediate area of the joint in 75% of cases. Rather, it refers to an area away from the joint.Read more about Thoracic Facet Joint Pain