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71-Year-Old Avoids Knee Replacement With Regenexx Stem Cells

A cyclist is shown riding uphill on a paved road under a clear blue sky

Skiing, cycling, or running is a way of life for many. Early mountain ascents up switchbacks or 30- to 40-mile bicycle rides are weekly occurrences. Weekends and holidays are organized around extending physical limits and or reducing times. Knee pain can seriously compromise an individual’s ability to ski, cycle, or run. Swelling and weakness can make the fifth mile of a run almost unbearable. Catching and deep-seated burning pain can derail a Saturday-morning 50-mile ride.

Paul’s Story

Paul is a 71-year-old avid athlete and retired pilot who presented to the Centeno-Schultz Clinic in 2012 with a long-standing history of knee pain that had been refractory to conservative care. Paul had been evaluated by orthopedic surgeons and was identified as a candidate for bilateral knee replacements, which he declined. During a comprehensive evaluation and physical examination, it was noted that Paul had weakness in one leg and accompanying numbness. Paul had a 20-year history of low-back pain and had previously undergone discectomy.

At Centeno-Schultz Clinic we do not limit our evaluation and treatment to a single joint as this would limit clinical outcomes. Rather we employ the SANS paradigm, and in Paul’s case we evaluated the nerves that powered the muscles in the knee.

Want to Get Back to What You Love, Without Surgery and Medication?

Paul underwent bone marrow-derived Regenexx stem cell treatment for osteoarthritis in the knee in addition to platelet lysate epidural injections as a treatment for his lumbar spinal stenosis. He had a significant reduction of pain and increase in function as a result of the treatment and has returned full time to his passions. He has been an ardent supporter of our clinic and referred many athletes.

His recent Facebook post (below) summarizes his outcome and experience with Centeno-Schultz Clinic. Thank you, Paul, for allowing us to share this with others. Stay hydrated, reapply the sunscreen, and enjoy your rides and hikes in Maui!

Paul’s Facebook Post

Paul Lyon: I had my knees done 6 years ago by Dr. Schultz at regenexx in the colorado clinc. 2 ortho doctors said I need to replace both. Dr. Schultz did mine and I had great sucess…so great NBC in seattle did a spot on me and the regenexx stem cell procedure. I still have people chase me down to ask about the procedure that was on NBC tv seattle. 
30 minutes ago a guy from the east coast contacted me through the tv deal 7 months ago. Wanted to say thanks.. guy’s a runner. Had to stop running, only problem was, he loved it. That was his life. Doctors told him same thing…replacement.
Dr. Schultz was his regenexx doctor. I haven’t heard anything from him after to procedure which I think was last summer. His message to me today…ran 41 miles last week..can’t believe it…thanks Paul

I’ll bet I’ve sent 30 people there with varying degrees of success. Some like me, almost 100%, others some improvement, at least where they can live without a replacement…not bad.
My thought, you can always have a replacement done if it doesn’t work.

Why can’t we get insurance to at least try stem cell therapy. That should be the FIRST thing to try, not a replacement first.
There’s many of you out there that can’t afford to have stem cell therapy done. Your insurance will pay for a replacement. .how much. $100,000. and up…stem cell think it’s under $10.000. Kind of a no brainer..why won’t insurance pay. I think they are getting lots of pressure from Orthopedic Doctors and joint replacement manufacturers. Just think, go get stem cells for under 10 grand, no hospital stay, no painful recovery, if you recover a 100 %. Why not stem cells first….no down side. . You may benefit enough that you won’t need a replacement. Your Orthopedic Doctor won’t make big bucks, the hospital won’t make big bucks…and you the patient don’t matter. Try stem cell first.

Start putting pressure on your insurance company…write your congressman…you the patient will benefit.
I’m not paid or have anything to do with regenexx except I’ve got my life back, skiing, hiking, biking, very active.
Sorry this is poorly written, done on my phone after receiving the message from the running guy..oh, and I’m 20 miles into a bike ride on Maui and 71 years young.

Anyone can contact me, glad to pass what I know.
Paul Lyon
Gig Harbor, Washington

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