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spine back

Understanding the Thoracic and Lumbar Spines

The thoracic spine and lumbar spine make up a vital nexus of stability and mobility in the human body. In this exploration, we delve into the biomechanics and complexities that define these regions, unraveling their significance in posture, movement, and overall well-being.  Understanding the thoracic and lumbar spine not only illustrates the mechanics of our … Continued

L3 Spine (3rd Lumbar Vertebra)

The lumbar section of the spine is an extraordinarily resilient and complex structure, responsible for enabling everyday movement, supporting and redistributing loads, and protecting the spinal nerve. But despite how much we rely on our lower back in our daily lives, we tend to notice how much our lumbar spine does for us only when … Continued

Spinal Anterior Longitudinal Ligament Function

Have you had a neck injury or whiplash trauma? Do you have neck pain, especially when looking up, and you don’t know the cause? Then you may want to learn about the cervical anterior longitudinal ligament (ALL).  Anatomy of the Anterior Longitudinal Ligament The ALL is a strong, wide ligament that runs along the front … Continued

Effective Thoracic Herniated Disc Treatment Exercises You Can Do

A thoracic herniated disc occurs when the soft center of a spinal disc in the thoracic area of the spinal region ruptures. This condition can lead to symptoms such as pain, numbness, and weakness in the chest, back, and potentially radiating down the arms, legs or abdomen. Effective thoracic herniated disc treatment often involves a … Continued

The L5 Vertebra: Everything You Need to Know

The spine, consisting of 33 individual bones called vertebrae, is divided into five major regions: cervical (neck), thoracic (upper back), lumbar (lower back), sacral (pelvic region), and coccygeal (tailbone). These vertebrae are separated by intervertebral discs, which act as cushions and allow for flexibility in movement. The lumbar spine, also known as the lower back, … Continued

Understanding the Role Of The Thoracic Spine Muscles

The thoracic spine plays a critical role in the stability and mobility of the upper body. Comprised of twelve vertebrae and an intricate network of muscles and ligaments, it serves as a central pillar supporting the structure and movement of the body. Understanding the role and function of thoracic spine muscles is pivotal for anyone … Continued

Exploring the Lumbosacral Joint: What Should You Be Wary Of?

The L5 S1 joint, or the lumbosacral joint, is a critical joint. It lies between the lumbar segment of the spine and the auricular processes of the sacrum. The L5-S1 joint plays a vital role in transmitting the weight of the body via the sacrum and ilium downwards. The weight is distributed to the femur … Continued

Degenerative Changes Of The Thoracic Spine

Degenerative changes of the thoracic spine involve the gradual loss of normal structure and function over time. There are several different causes which are discussed in detail below. The thoracic spine is composed of many different and important components that are susceptible, both to injury and generalized wear and tear. The degeneration can occur in … Continued

The Ultimate Guide To Thoracic Spine Exercises

Thoracic spine exercises are important for several reasons. First, they can help improve thoracic mobility, reducing the risk of spinal injuries and improving posture. Second, they can help to strengthen the muscles of the upper back and shoulders. Finally, thoracic spine exercises can help improve breathing mechanics. What Is Thoracic Spine? The thoracic spine, also … Continued

Where Is The Thoracic Spine?

The thoracic spine is a region of the spine that is located in the middle back.  It is located below the cervical spine and above the lumbar spine.  It is composed of 12 vertebrae that are numbered T1-12. The T denotes the thoracic spine. It has many important functions which are discussed below. Location Of The … Continued