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The Centeno-Schultz Blog

AC joint separation

AC Separation In The Shoulder: Surgery Or Not?

An AC joint separation, or dislocation, in the shoulder can occur as a result of an injury. For example, our own Dr. Centeno experienced a separation of his AC joint 30 years ago in a motorcycle crash. Even at that time, he opted against surgery, and based on current research, there’s a good chance that … Continued

avoid knee replacement with stem cell therapy

Premature Failure: Another Reason to Avoid Total Knee Replacement

Have you been told you need total knee replacement? At the Centeno-Schultz Clinic, we acknowledge there are problems associated with total knee replacements – and they are BIG problems! Let’s review! Continued Pain and Total Knee Replacement Surgery Continued Need for Pain Medication Components of a Knee Replacement Prosthesis Can Cause Allergies Increased Risk of … Continued

what not to do for osteoprosis

What Not to Do for Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis. In a perfect world, we would all diligently focus on whole-body health, including bone health, from childhood throughout old age. The reality, however, is that there are many more living primarily sedentary lifestyles and consuming poor diets than there are living that perfect-world lifestyle. Taking this a step further, it’s likely the majority of … Continued

SpineMark Announces a Strategic Partnership With Regenexx

SpineMark Announces a Strategic Partnership With Regenexx

National leader in excellence for in treatment of spine conditions partners with an innovative alternative to spine surgery SpineMark is the premier global spine service company for the development of Spine Destination Centers and Spine Research Organizations. Through partnerships with hospitals and physicians nationwide and globally, the company develops and operates comprehensive, evidence-based spine centers … Continued

hip impingement

Do You Really Need a Hip Impingement Surgery?

Hip impingement surgery was a relatively unknown procedure up until about the last decade, when it skyrocketed to the second most common surgery on the hip (just behind hip replacement). Why? Arthroscopic surgery was introduced to the hip, and this opened doors for more hip procedures. The question of why isn’t nearly as important as … Continued

Volleyball player in action diving to make a dig during a game.

Volleyball Athlete Returns To Play After PRP Injection

At the Centeno-Schultz Clinic, evaluation of joint stability is key. It is part of the SANS approach we utilize when evaluating and treating patients. Stability (the first S in the SANS approach) means a joint that moves with all the surfaces in general alignment, all the time. The ligaments that surround the joint are critical to … Continued

plantar fasciitis

Plantar Fasciitis: 3 Reasons Steroid Injections Are a Bad Idea

Steroids are powerful anti-inflammatory drugs that are injected in high doses to treat conditions that are highly inflammatory and cause pain, such as arthritis, tendonitis, and even plantar fasciitis. To many, after dealing with chronic pain due to inflammation for weeks, months, or longer, the idea of steroids may sound like a miracle relief, and … Continued

diagnosing shoulder pain

Reasons To Get A Second Opinion On Your Rotator Cuff Tear

When a patient presents to his or her doctor with chronic shoulder pain, the doctor may send the patient for an MRI. If the MRI finds a rotator cuff tear and the doctor diagnoses this as the cause of the shoulder pain, it seems logical enough; few patients would question this finding. However, there’s a … Continued

Regenexx and Connect Healthcare Collaboration Partner

Connect Healthcare Collaboration Picks Regenexx as Solution to Reduce Orthopedic Surgery Costs for Employers Connect Healthcare Collaboration works with consultants, brokers, and employers to reduce unnecessary healthcare spend while improving the outcomes of plan members by identifying and implementing proven strategies, then building the communication and education platform to ensure that plan members take advantage … Continued