Elevated Cholesterol and Trigycleride Levels and Osteoarthritis
Specialized doctor discusses elevated cholesterol and triglycerides and osteoarthritis.
The True Risks Associated With Spine Surgery
Specialized doctor discusses the real risks associated with spine surgery.
Good Housekeeping – Medical Advances & Breakthroughs
Article Excerpt: It’s not every day, or even every decade, that research leads to a real medical breakthrough — the kind that revolutionizes the treatment of a disease or condition. But these cutting-edge therapies promise to do just that. And for the four women profiled here — who have been…
Recovery from Stem Cell Therapy
Specialized doctor discusses outcome of professional athlete who underwent stem cell therapy for knee pain.
Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries and Stem Cell Therapy
Specialized doctor discusses the role of stem cell therapy on ACL injuries.