CCI Exercises for Post-PICL Rehab (CCI Series: Episode 5)
One of the more common questions I get from patients who undergo the PICL procedure is what does the physical therapy or rehab program look like after the procedure. Hence, I thought I would dive deep into a program that anyone can do at home or provide a physical therapist…
Dr. Pitt’s Inverted Food Pyramid – Excerpt From Nutrition 2.0
Chapter 3: Bringing the Nutrition Information Together [Excerpt] So What Do I Eat and Drink? First, disregard the food pyramid, and take no health advice from the media. The current food pyramid is outdated, and research shows it offers no protection against chronic diseases. In a nutshell, you should eat…
Our Patient Ryan Tannehill and the Superbowl
We’ve treated a bunch of professional athletes through the years at Centeno-Schultz and at our licensed advanced treatment site in Grand Cayman. One of those athletes is Ryan Tannehill who is now going to be in the run-up to the super bowl. We couldn’t be happier that maybe just maybe,…
PRP Injections Precautions: What You Should Do After
PRP is a concentration of the patient's own blood platelets in their serum. It is being used for multiple indications. Dr. Schultz discusses important precautions after PRP injections for maximal healing.
How to Increase Stem Cells Naturally
There are a large number of stem cell supplements currently available. Each claims to be the most effective. Dr, Schultz discusses the challenges with the current research that is available, and how you can support your stem cell function naturally.