A+ Report Card from Department of Regulatory Agencies
Integrity and commitment to the highest quality of care is critical. This standard allows for the development and advancement of the best clinical practices and clinical outcomes. This is what we all want for ourselves, families and loved ones. We want to know that our physician is fully present and…
Pharma And Device Companies: You Can’t Buy Our Opinion
Pharmaceutical and medical device companies advertise extensively across all mediums to include radio, print, news and social media. A new drug with a seductive name that is proclaimed to be the best and most comprehensive treatment for x, y and z is released almost monthly. Patients are depicted engaging with…
Choosing Legitimate Stem Cell Clinics: What You Need To Know
How do you tell the legitimate stem cell clinics from the bad actors? I take for granted that since I’ve been performing orthopedic stem cell procedures since 2005 and since I was one of the first doctors on earth to do many of these procedures, that I can easily look at…
Upcoming Spine or Orthopedic Surgery? Did the Hospital Sterilize Instruments?
Spine and orthopedic surgery is associated with multiple risks which include bleeding, infection, failure and escalation in pain. Infection can be devastating requiring removal of an implant and repeat surgery. Infection can also spread throughout the body with life threatening sepsis and serious infections such as hepatitis B, meningitis and…
Consequences of Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery
Spine surgery has lasting consequences, as it forever changes the lumbar anatomy and biomechanics. It’s not like a bad haircut which will grow out over time. The anatomical changes are permanent. The consequences of minimally invasive spine surgery are truly something to talk about directly. We have all seen the…