How a Meniscectomy Destroyed a Patient’s Knee and Hope
At the Centeno-Schultz Clinic, we witness the destructive and oftentimes permanent affects of orthopedic surgery on patients. It can result in a deterioration of their function, an escalation in time, and, equally important, an erosion of their hopes and dreams. Knee meniscectomy is one such surgery… Understanding Knee Meniscectomy Meniscectomy…
Shoulder Labrum Surgery: Does It Work?
Over the past decade, we’ve seen study after study conclude the lack of efficacy of many elective orthopedic surgeries, such as meniscus repairs, shoulder decompression, hip impingement surgery, and many more. Specifically, they show that the outcomes of these surgeries are no better than those following a fake surgery. Another…
Activating Beneficial “Brown Fat” Regulates Metabolism
Did you know that the human body contains two different types of fat? One type—brown fat—is actually very beneficial to the body, while the other—white fat—wreaks havoc and is associated with weight gain and disease. Unfortunately, the former is much more difficult to activate, but recent research shows those who…
Why a Back Fusion May Just Lead to More Fusions
Today we’re seeing more and more orthopedic surgeons fusing multiple back bones at once. Instead of a one-level lumbar fusion, which fuses two bones together, they’re doing two or three levels, which fuses three or four bones together. We probably don’t have to state the obvious here, but the more…
Hiit Vs Endurance Exercise: Which Is Better For Cell Health?
Hit any gym in your area and you’ll encounter those with strong opinions on the benefits of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) over endurance exercise and vice versa. The truth is, there are benefits to both, as those who participate in, for example, a CrossFit class (HIIT) one day and an…