The Amazing Collapsing Boy
Our children are collapsing under the weight of gravity. Why? They look down all day at screens, and it just wreaks havoc on our posture. For some, this is a major problem now, and for others, this will be a problem in the future. So this morning I’ll talk about…
New Research Shows Our Stem Cells Don’t Forget Old Injuries
Do stem cells have a brain? Meaning, can they “remember” and use that memory to act? That’s the intriguing concept that’s being explored in new research and the results sort of blow me away. Let me explain. Stem Cells and Sinus Inflammation? Since the experimental model that’s used in this…
What Are Exosomes? Are They Legal?
The stem cell wild west continues. In the past 18 months, we’ve seen an explosion in companies stating that they are selling vials of millions of stem cells but are really selling vials of dead tissue. In the meantime, a new twist has emerged. We now have some companies selling…
Retears After Rotator Cuff Surgery In Those With Shoulder Arthritis
If you have arthritis in your shoulder joint, does this mean that a surgery to fix your rotator cuff tear is more or less likely to fail? A new study investigated that issue and found some surprising things. So let’s review what we know about rotator cuff tears and then…
Returning to Function After Total Knee Replacement: The Truth
At the Centeno-Schultz Clinic, we acknowledge the pain and limitation associated with knee osteoarthritis. It can make the simplest task, like walking upstairs or getting out of a chair, almost impossible at times. Symptomatic knee osteoarthritis occurs in 10% of men and 13% of women in the United States. The…