Hip Arthroscopy Associated with Significant Complications
That darn hip pain has finally gotten your attention. Getting out of a chair, walking up stairs and even tying your shoes has become a problematic chore.Your orthopedic surgeon recommends a hip arthroscopy. Does make sense clinically? What Is Hip Arthroscopy? Hip arthroscopy is often referred to as a minimally…
Exploring PNE: Is Your Back Pain Really Just A Mental Trick?
What if we told you that back pain that’s making you miserable right now isn’t real? What if we told you your mind just thinks your back hurts, and all you have to do is, well, just learn how to think it away? That’s what one trend coursing through physical…
The Centeno-Schultz Fellows Show 2018 Edition
If you read this blog, you know that Regenexx HQ in Colorado trains fellows. We also have a very big annual Christmas bash where it’s now a tradition that the fellows have to put on a show. This year’s version didn’t disappoint, and I’d like to share that video but…
The Amazing Collapsing Boy
Our children are collapsing under the weight of gravity. Why? They look down all day at screens, and it just wreaks havoc on our posture. For some, this is a major problem now, and for others, this will be a problem in the future. So this morning I’ll talk about…
New Research Shows Our Stem Cells Don’t Forget Old Injuries
Do stem cells have a brain? Meaning, can they “remember” and use that memory to act? That’s the intriguing concept that’s being explored in new research and the results sort of blow me away. Let me explain. Stem Cells and Sinus Inflammation? Since the experimental model that’s used in this…