Evaluation And PRP Injection: Lumbar Fusion Surgery Canceled
At the Centeno-Schultz Clinic, we are frequently consulted for second opinions. Patients and their physicians want us to dig deep and evaluate possible regenerative-treatment options. We take this seriously as we acknowledge the significant side effects associated with high-dose steroids and surgery. KD is a case in point. We evaluated…
Why Your Shoulder Issue May Actually Be A Neck Problem
If there’s one thing that we probably preach more so than any other at CSC, it’s that the body is actually one fully functioning machine. While at some point in medical history, it was stripped down and broken into individual body systems (e.g., nervous system, musculoskeletal system, gastrointestinal system, circulatory…
Does “Cool” Nuking Nerves For Knee Arthritis Pain Help?
The newest trend for treating the pain of knee arthritis is a nerve treatment that is meant to mask the pain…at least for a while. This procedure, a cooler-temperature radiofrequency treatment, has been full speed ahead over the last few years, so it must be a good idea, right? Meaning,…
Your Stem Cells’ Health Pre-Treatment | 8 Ways To Improve
Patients often want to know, especially before a treatment, how to make their stem cells healthier. After well over a decade of orthopedic stem cell experience, we have a solid handle on how to answer these questions, and we’re passing them on to you today. So let’s review 8 ways…
Why Are Middle Age People Getting Knee Replacements?
Why are middle age people getting knee replacements? One possible reason is that the commercials make the activities following a knee replacement look exciting and fun, especially for good-looking, younger-appearing (and with each new commercial, they seem to get younger and younger) middle-age people. These device manufacturers know how to…