Why Are Middle Age People Getting Knee Replacements?
Why are middle age people getting knee replacements? One possible reason is that the commercials make the activities following a knee replacement look exciting and fun, especially for good-looking, younger-appearing (and with each new commercial, they seem to get younger and younger) middle-age people. These device manufacturers know how to…
Can We Stop Running Injuries in Their Tracks?
Whether you’re a new runner, life-long runner, young runner, old runner, or anything in between, running injuries can happen. While running injuries are certainly most common in the feet, legs, and hips, they can occur in the upper body as well as the vibrational impact from the foot striking the…
Are Teen ACL Knee Surgeries Necessary For Athletes?
There’s been a trend in our young athletes with ACL injuries over the last decade-plus: Teen ACL knee surgery. The push, by orthopedic surgeons and parents alike, seems to be, if our pro athletes are doing it, why not our kids? Won’t it get them back in the game faster…
Why Do My Ankles Get Sore After Walking?
More than any other joint, our ankles bear the burden of all of our body weight. The ankles aren’t large weight-bearing joints, like our hips or knees; comparatively speaking, the ankles are rather small for the tasks they are assigned to do. If the ankles are normal and healthy and…
Can Osteonecrosis Be Treated Without Surgery?
Osteonecrosis, directly translated, means death (necrosis) of bone (osteo-). It can be a frightening diagnosis for a patient to hear. First, a patient will likely wonder if there is anything that can be done to stop the bone from dying, and if the physician advises surgery, which they almost always…