Should You Get a Vertebroplasty for Your Backbone Fracture?
Vertebroplasty is a procedure commonly performed for compression fractures in the back. It is most common in women who have passed menopause and are now struggling with osteoporosis. While physicians who perform this procedure swear by its benefits—and certainly there are some amazing stories of patients who lacked mobility now…
Hip Replacement: Getting More Than A New Joint
When considering a hip replacement, there’s one simple question you need to ask yourself: do the risks of having the surgery outweigh the risks of not having it? Unfortunately, the answer might not be nearly as simple as the question. First, you need to make sure that you know and…
AC Separation In The Shoulder: Surgery Or Not?
An AC joint separation, or dislocation, in the shoulder can occur as a result of an injury. For example, our own Dr. Centeno experienced a separation of his AC joint 30 years ago in a motorcycle crash. Even at that time, he opted against surgery, and based on current research,…
Premature Failure: Another Reason to Avoid Total Knee Replacement
Have you been told you need total knee replacement? At the Centeno-Schultz Clinic, we acknowledge there are problems associated with total knee replacements – and they are BIG problems! Let’s review! Continued Pain and Total Knee Replacement Surgery Continued Need for Pain Medication Components of a Knee Replacement Prosthesis Can…
What Not to Do for Osteoporosis
Osteoporosis. In a perfect world, we would all diligently focus on whole-body health, including bone health, from childhood throughout old age. The reality, however, is that there are many more living primarily sedentary lifestyles and consuming poor diets than there are living that perfect-world lifestyle. Taking this a step further,…