Fish Oil Isn’t Just For The Heart: Your Joints Love It Too
It seems every time a new study comes out attempting to discredit fish oil, two more come out singing its praises, so what’s a consumer to believe? In general, the supplements that really work seem to get attacked the most as big drug companies know these supplements could create problems…
Regenexx and Pulse Healthcare Announce Partnership to Reduce Orthopedic Surgery Rates
As you may have noticed, this is the third major announcement in the last 2 months on how Regenexx is partnering with various key players in the insurance industry to reduce the cost of orthopedic care. All of this is focused on, where feasable, replacing elective orthopedic surgery with interventional…
Should You Get a Vertebroplasty for Your Backbone Fracture?
Vertebroplasty is a procedure commonly performed for compression fractures in the back. It is most common in women who have passed menopause and are now struggling with osteoporosis. While physicians who perform this procedure swear by its benefits—and certainly there are some amazing stories of patients who lacked mobility now…
Hip Replacement: Getting More Than A New Joint
When considering a hip replacement, there’s one simple question you need to ask yourself: do the risks of having the surgery outweigh the risks of not having it? Unfortunately, the answer might not be nearly as simple as the question. First, you need to make sure that you know and…
AC Separation In The Shoulder: Surgery Or Not?
An AC joint separation, or dislocation, in the shoulder can occur as a result of an injury. For example, our own Dr. Centeno experienced a separation of his AC joint 30 years ago in a motorcycle crash. Even at that time, he opted against surgery, and based on current research,…