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The Centeno-Schultz Blog

tendonitis vs carpal tunnel

Tendonitis vs Carpal Tunnel: Identifying Important Differences

Tendonitis and carpal tunnel syndrome are two distinct clinical conditions that affect the wrist and hand. Dr. Schultz discusses what tendonitis and carpal tunnel syndrome are, the major causes, common symptoms, treatment options, and the important difference between the two.

KT Tape Wrist

KT Tape Wrist: Is There A Better Solution?

Wrist ligaments are important for the stability and vitality of the wrist. KT Tape is used extensively for wrist injuries. Dr. Schultz discusses what KT Tape is, its proposed benefits, how to apply and better option for treating wrist ligament injuries.

numbness after carpal tunnel surgery

5 Causes of Numbness After Carpal Tunnel Surgery

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a medical condition that causes pain and numbness in the hand and fingers. It arises from compression of the median nerve. Dr. Schultz discusses the 5 major causes of numbness after Carpal Tunnel Surgery, their causes, and a novel, nonsurgical treatment option for carpal tunnel syndrome.

ulna shortening

Will Ulna Shortening Surgery Fix Your Wrist Pain?

Ulnar shortening is one of those procedures that is on our no-no list of surgeries. Unfortunately, however, we occasionally encounter a patient whose orthopedic surgeon has recommended this as a solution to the patient’s problem. The patient, who’s in pain and thinking all other treatment options have been exhausted, is sometimes very close to pulling … Continued

wrist ligaments

Wrist Ligaments: 5 Key Facts You Need to Know

Wrist ligaments provide important stability for the wrist and are receptible to injury. Dr. Schultz discusses 5 key facts you need to know about wrist ligaments, injuries and treatment options.

intersection syndrome

Intersection Syndrome: The Cause Of Your Wrist Pain

Intersection Syndrome is a painful medical condition that involves the backside of the wrist and forearm. Dr. Schultz discusses what is intersection syndrome, what causes it, how it is diagnosed, and treatment options.

carpal tunnel surgery recovery

Carpal Tunnel Surgery Recovery: Facts You Need to Know Now!

Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is a painful wrist and hand condition that occurs due to compression of the median nerve. Carpal tunnel surgery releases the pressure on the median nerve through different surgical techniques. Dr. Schultz discusses carpal tunnel surgery recovery, complications and a new nonsurgical alternative for those with carpal tunnel syndrome.

carpal tunnel surgery recovery

Wrist Pain with Activity: Critical Causes To Know

The wrist is a complex joint composed of 8 carpal bones, critical ligaments, and tendons. Dr. Schultz discusses the important sources of wrist pain with activity and natural, non-surgical treatment options.

stiff fingers

Stiff Fingers: What Causes Them and How to Fix Them

Stiff fingers can arise from multiple causes. Finger arthritis is common and is associated with pain and stiffness. Dr. Schultz reviews the important causes of finger stiffness and new non-surgical treatment options.

HGH for osteoarthritis

HGH for Osteoarthritis?

I love to write about what I experience, so this weekend a question came across social media about using HGH for osteoarthritis. While this has been the subject of some interesting airline magazine advertising for years, this patient sent along an article for me to review. Hence, I thought it was time to visit this … Continued