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The Centeno-Schultz Blog

cut the sugar

Top 5 Reasons You Should Cut the Sugar Today!

If there’s one nutritional revelation that’s been front and center over the past decade, it’s that sugar is dietary enemy number one! For decades, we were led to believe fat consumption was destroying our bodies and creating epidemics of obesity, while all along it was sugar we needed to be concerned about. Why? There stream … Continued

knee hyperextension

Knee Hyperextension Test: One Sign You’ve Damaged Your PCL

The PCL is a ligament in the knee that can become torn or loose, and there’s a telltale sign when this occurs. Stand in front of a full-length mirror and turn to the side. Take a look at your legs; are both legs straight and even, or does one knee dip back a bit farther … Continued

glucosamine and chondroitin

Glucosamine and Chondroitin: A Dynamic Supplement Duo for Arthritis

What exactly makes glucosamine and chondroitin such a dynamic and powerful duo at relieving arthritis? Could it their ability to relieve pain? Or perhaps it’s because they help reduce cartilage loss? Maybe it’s their because of their anti-inflammatory properties that tame the swelling so common in arthritis? Maybe it’s the fact that they don’t come … Continued

Mysterious Buttock Pain Solved

If you tend to push yourself on weekends, Monday can be a challenge. Muscle fatigue, stiffness, and restriction in range of motion can be a problem. Typically, these resolve by late Monday afternoon. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. This story is about a buttock pain Patient with Butt Pain After Weekend Cycling Competition … Continued

severe shoulder arthritis

Can a Stem Cell Injection Treat Severe Shoulder Arthritis?

Our bodies shouldn’t be treated like machines in which if a part breaks down, like a shoulder or a knee, for example, we just replace it. Yet this is often the result in the traditional orthopedic-care model. With severe shoulder arthritis, and other musculoskeletal conditions, when conservative treatments are no longer effective and dangerous drugs, … Continued

UCL tear

Tommy John Surgery: The Only Solution For A UCL Tear?

We’re in the home stretch of baseball season in the Major Leagues, so it seems fitting to talk about a common injury that occurs in baseball players, particularly pitchers. The injury is to the ulnar collateral ligament (UCL) in the arm, and the procedure often performed to “repair” it is called Tommy John surgery. Let’s … Continued

IV stem cell treatment

The Sticky Problem With Iv Stem Cell Treatment

In our eighth and final post in our “Let’s Talk Stem Cells” series, we’re going to cover a very sticky issue with IV stem cell treatments: the pulmonary first-pass effect. Stem cell treatments come in many forms, and one of those is via IV injection, in which most of the stem cells get stuck in … Continued

iPS stem cells

Let’s Talk Stem Cells Part 7: Creating Artificial Stem Cells

In our last “Let’s Talk Stem Cells” post, we defined some stem cell types, including the artificial stem cells known as induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS). Today, we are going to change direction a bit on our stem cell focus and expand on the topic of artificial stem cells. We’ll explain how scientists are using … Continued

contact inhibition

Let’s Talk Stem Cells Part 6: Stopping Growth on Contact

One of many fascinating features of our mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) is that they are designed to stop growing on contact. In other words, when MSCs touch, they stop multiplying, or making copies. Embryonic stem cells and induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS) don’t do this. Why is this significant? Because it’s this inability to stop … Continued