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how long does a sprained ankle stay swollen

How Long Does a Sprained Ankle Stay Swollen?

It happened several weeks ago as you stepped off the curb.  Your doctor told you that you sprained your ankle.   What is an ankle sprain? What are the different types of ankle sprains?  How can I tell if I have an ankle sprain?  How long does a sprained ankle stay swollen?  Let’s dig in. What … Continued

ankle sore after walking? What's wrong and how to fix it

Ankle Sore After Walking? What’s Wrong And How To Fix It

Is your ankle sore after walking? Is it inflamed or painful? Dr. Centeno talks about what could be causing the issue. Transcript Ankle Sore after Walking? What’s Wrong Hi, this is Dr. Centeno.  There are many people who, after they go for a walk, have ankle soreness, or, after they go for a run. So, … Continued

A Common Ankle Ligament Tear w/ Dr. Pitts

A Common Ankle Ligament Tear w/ Dr. Pitts

Dr. John Pitts talks about a common ankle ligament tear, what treatment options are available, and what to do if you would like to seek help for you ankle pain  Transcript Hi, everybody. This is Dr. John Pitts from Centeno-Schultz Clinic. Today, I like to talk about a torn ankle ligament. So what is a … Continued

"Ligaments in the Ankle: Why they're like duct tape" - Centeno-Schultz Clinic vlog.

Ligaments of the Ankle – A Tutorial with Dr. Schultz [VLOG]

Dr. Schultz gives a tutorial on the ligaments of the ankle – what they are, what they support, and why you should care.  Transcript Hi everybody, this Dr. Schultz, thanks for checking in. Today, we’re going to be reviewing the ligaments of the ankle. This is really important, and I just want to take a … Continued

brostrom ankle surgery

Brostrom Ankle Surgery: Reasons To Avoid This Surgery

Ligaments are the thick connective bands of connective tissue that connect one bone to bone. There are three important ankle ligaments on the outside of the ankle that provide stabilize the joint.  Brostrom ankle surgery is a reconstruction of one or more lateral ankle ligaments. Dr. Schultz discusses the risks and rehabilitation of Brostrom ankle surgery and a new treatment that is an effective alternative to lateral ankle sugery.

ankle ligament surgery

Ankle Ligament Surgery: The Facts and Are there Better Options?

Ankle ligaments are thick bands of connective tissue that provide support to the ankle joint and are susceptible to injury. Dr. Schultz discusses the different types of ankle ligament injuries, ankle ligament surgery, and nonsurgical alternative to treat ankle ligament injuries.

tight hamstrings and calves

Tight Hamstrings and Calves

Tight hamstrings and calves are common and can arise from many sources.  Hamstring stretches are not always the best solution. Dr. Schultz discusses an important and often unrecognized cause of tight hamstring and calves.

Ankle Tendon Surgery

Injury to an ankle tendon can be debilitating. The peroneal longus and brevis tendons are important for foot flexion and ankle stabilization. Dr. Schultz discusses the importance of understanding the type of ankle tendon tear and appropriate treatment options. PRP is an effective non-surgical option in some cases.

ankle replacement recovery

Ankle Replacement Recovery

Ankle replacement surgery is replacement of the damaged ankle joint with an artificial joint called a prosthesis. Dr. Schultz discusses the recovery and important complications which include infection, adjacent joint arthritis and very short life of ankle prosthesis which places patients at risk for additional surgeries.

how to treat ankle sprains

How to Treat Ankle Sprains

Have you ever stepped off the curb wrong and rolled your ankle that resulted in pain and swelling? If you have, it’s important to learn what may be causing the pain and swelling, will it heal, and how to treat ankle sprains if it doesn’t. What Is an Ankle Sprain? An ankle sprain is an … Continued