Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapies and Growth Hormone
Specialized doctor discusses PRP therapy.
Off Shore Stem Cell Report Card – Part 2
Specialized doctor discusses ICMS's recent publication of Off Store Stem Cell Report Survery.
Critical Questions When Evaluating Stem Cell Therapies
Specialized doctor discusses critical questions in evaluating stem cell therapies.
Debilitating Headache Unresponsive To Therapy
Specialized doctor discusses the pain assoicated with injury to the C0/C1 joint.
Stem Cell Glossary
Ever wonder what the difference is between multipotent and pluripotent stem cells? Is a VSE some type of battery? These and other terms are showing up in increasing frequency. The terms can be confusing and misunderstood. ICMS has created a comprehensive glossary of stem cells with links to the latest…