Is Your Tennis Elbow Really an Elbow Problem?
With spring giving way to summer next week and Wimbledon just around the corner, we are in the midst of tennis season, when tennis courts everywhere stay busy with athletes in training and weekend warriors alike. While the term “tennis elbow” may lead you to believe it is a risk…
The Multifidus Muscle – The Primary Stabilizer In The Spine
The most important structure for spinal stabilization and support is likely one you’ve never heard about: the multifidus muscle. Study after study has shown that when this muscle’s not happy, the entire neck and back suffer. However, despite the fact that the multifidus is easy to see on an MRI,…
10 Benefits of Exercise You Might Not Know About
The number-one reason most people begin an exercise regimen is to lose weight. You may know people—or you may be one of those people—who binge through the winter, for example, and then thrust themselves into a rigorous exercise program in the spring to lose weight for the dreaded swimsuit season.…
Tendon and Ligament Tears: Types and Treatments
Finding out that you have a torn tendon or ligament can be concerning. At the word tear, many envision massive damage and inevitable surgery to repair it or stitch it up. And while surgery is, unfortunately, often the only treatment offered, the truth is, most tendon and ligament tears aren’t…
Does Your Stem Cell Expert Have A Dangerous History?
In our digital age, we are obsessed with evaluations and ratings. We search diligently on Amazon for the “best product” with the best reviews and ratings. Consumer Reports is a go-to for a large purchase, where we spend time reviewing the pros and cons and editor’s notes. Dining plans are…