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The Centeno-Schultz Blog

disadvantages of knee replacement surgery

14 Disadvantages of Knee Replacement Surgery

Every step is a reminder of your knee pain.  Physical therapy and steroid injections did not help.  Your doctor is referring you for surgery.  What is knee replacement surgery?  What are the disadvantages of knee replacement surgery? What is the success rate of knee replacement surgery?  What are the alternatives to knee replacement surgery?  Let’s … Continued

your arthritic knee injected with bone cement

Should You Have Your Arthritic Knee Injected with Bone Cement?

Along with cartilage degeneration that occurs in arthritis, an MRI of the knee may also show a bone marrow lesion (BML). In recent years, injecting bone cement into these BMLs (a new procedure called a subchondroplasty) in arthritic knees has become a trend. While we’ve seen favorable outcomes reported on this procedure at conferences, in … Continued

71-Year-Old Avoids Knee Replacement With Regenexx Stem Cells

Skiing, cycling, or running is a way of life for many. Early mountain ascents up switchbacks or 30- to 40-mile bicycle rides are weekly occurrences. Weekends and holidays are organized around extending physical limits and or reducing times. Knee pain can seriously compromise an individual’s ability to ski, cycle, or run. Swelling and weakness can … Continued