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The Centeno-Schultz Blog

migraines and carpal tunnel

Are Migraines and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Related?

Millions of people suffer from carpal tunnel syndrome, and carpal tunnel release is one of the most common surgeries performed today. Millions also struggle with chronic migraines. While we know carpal tunnel syndrome is a compression condition, there is also recent evidence that migraines, not historically thought to be a compression issue, may be associated … Continued


The Benefits Of Contrast Dye In PRP And Stem Cell Injections

There is an alarming trend in metropolitan Denver, where PRP and stem cell injections are being performed under X-ray without contrast dye. What Is Contrast? Contrast is a radiographic dye that highlights a given area when injected under X-ray. Why Would You Use Contrast Dye? Contrast is critical as it provides two important pieces of … Continued


Is Yogurt Really as Good for Us as We Think?

Activia, Dannon, Fage…we know them well. Even if you don’t work a daily serving of yogurt into your diet, you were probably visualizing the TV or magazine ads in your mind as we mentioned the brands. Most of you probably even know to be sure to check those yogurt labels for the wording or symbol … Continued

spinal decompression

Spinal Decompression May Fix One Problem but Creates Another

We have a list of surgeries that we consider surgeries that might accomplish one goal, but they create more damage in the process. Spinal decompression (aka laminectomy) is on that list. So today we’re going to dive into this issue. Spinal Decompression Is Damage to Accomplish a Goal First what, exactly is a spinal decompression? … Continued

organic foods

Can You Reduce Cancer Risks by Going Organic?

Over the last couple of decades, as we’ve become more aware of pesticides, GMOs, antibiotics, and hormones used in mass farming vegetables and livestock, the U.S., in general, has seen a slow and steady shift to more and more natural- and organic-food choices. Many of us know that green-and-white “USDA ORGANIC” label very well, and … Continued

does exercise improve dementia 2

Does Exercise Improve Dementia? One Study Says Yes

Our previous post reviewed a study on dementia that seemed to conclude that exercise cannot improve the symptoms of the disease. Today, as promised, we’re reviewing a much larger meta-analysis study that concludes the opposite. What Is a Meta-Analysis? We get it! Studies seem to contradict each other all the time, and this can be … Continued

does exercise improve dementia

Does Exercise Improve Dementia? One Study Says No

One of the biggest health problems facing our industrialized society as people age is dementia. Many believe it can be warded off or at least delayed by staying active, eating right, limiting alcohol intake, and so on. But what if dementia has already set in? Can any of this help at that point? For out … Continued

healthy knees

Want Healthy Knees? Keep Your Back Strong

Want healthy knees? It seems the writer of the classic song “Dem Bones” really knew a thing or two about the musculoskeletal system. In fact, he may have known more than our modern orthopedics care system as instead of understanding that the “knee bone’s connected to the thigh bone” and “the thigh bone’s connected to … Continued

gymnast with foot pain

Young Gymnast with Foot Pain Caused by Her Back?

The modern world of orthopedics consists of hyperspecialists who focus on treating injured athletes based on their individual broken and painful parts. So the knee doctor treats the athlete with knee pain, the foot and ankle doctor treats the athlete with foot pain, and the spine doctor treats the athlete with back pain. At the … Continued