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The Centeno-Schultz Blog

thumb pain and arthritis

Why We Give Thumb Surgery a Big Thumbs-Down

In today’s world, driven full speed ahead by instant information on demand, even those of us who’ve spent the majority of our lives in the before-smart-devices era can no longer imagine life without them. Unfortunately, with this new way of high-technology living comes an increase in doctor’s visits for issues that were never a big … Continued

cervical disc replacement

Why Cervical Disc Replacement Is No Better than a Fusion

Is it better to surgically remove a cervical disc and replace it with a fake one or surgically remove a cervical disc and bolt together the vertebrae above and below it to fuse it into one solid piece of bone? The former (the cervical disc replacement), while also highly invasive, certainly seems less drastic than … Continued

Are Core Strength and Knee Arthritis Related?

Core strength and knee arthritis are related? The answer is “Oh, why Yes!” Let me explain. Remember the famous childhood “Dem Bones” song? “The knee bone’s connected to the thigh bone. The thigh bone’s connected to the hip bone…The hip bone’s connected to the back bone…” This has been a central theme at the Centeno-Schultz … Continued

meniscus surgery knee arthritis

Another Reason to Say No to Meniscus Surgery: Knee Arthritis

Orthopedic surgeons perform about 700,000 knee meniscus surgeries every year in the United States, making it the most-performed knee procedure in the country. So you’d think there must be an abundance of research showing this procedure works. Unfortunately, this is not the case; in fact, study after study has shown meniscus surgery to be ineffective … Continued

orthopedic stem ell treatment is fake

How To Spot An Orthopedic Stem Cell Treatment Scam

So many people these days are, justifiably, looking for alternatives to surgery and other traditional treatments. As is the norm with supply and demand, clinics offering stem cell treatments have been popping up all over the place in recent years. However, when it comes to orthopedic stem cell treatments, very few are actually qualified to … Continued

orthopedic stem cell treatment

How To Tell If An Orthopedic Stem Cell Treatment Is Legit

Countless clinics across the country now offer stem cell treatments. Unfortunately, however, not all clinics are legitimate, so it’s extremely important that you understand what you’re getting when you are considering an orthopedic stem cell treatment. So many are making claims that simply aren’t possible to achieve, such as being able to retread a joint … Continued

tennis elbow

Is Your Tennis Elbow Really an Elbow Problem?

With spring giving way to summer next week and Wimbledon just around the corner, we are in the midst of tennis season, when tennis courts everywhere stay busy with athletes in training and weekend warriors alike. While the term “tennis elbow” may lead you to believe it is a risk of the game, the truth … Continued

multifidus muscle

The Multifidus Muscle – The Primary Stabilizer In The Spine

The most important structure for spinal stabilization and support is likely one you’ve never heard about: the multifidus muscle. Study after study has shown that when this muscle’s not happy, the entire neck and back suffer. However, despite the fact that the multifidus is easy to see on an MRI, most physicians or surgeons haven’t … Continued

10 benefits of exercise

10 Benefits of Exercise You Might Not Know About

The number-one reason most people begin an exercise regimen is to lose weight. You may know people—or you may be one of those people—who binge through the winter, for example, and then thrust themselves into a rigorous exercise program in the spring to lose weight for the dreaded swimsuit season. And while losing and maintaining … Continued

tendon and ligament tears

Tendon and Ligament Tears: Types and Treatments

Finding out that you have a torn tendon or ligament can be concerning.  At the word tear, many envision massive damage and inevitable surgery to repair it or stitch it up. And while surgery is, unfortunately, often the only treatment offered, the truth is, most tendon and ligament tears aren’t really extreme enough to require … Continued