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The Centeno-Schultz Blog

The Count Matters: Bone Marrow-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells

The Centeno-Schultz Clinic has been pioneering regenerative medicine and using bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells since 2005. We are committed to the highest level of medicine and patient care. As such, we feel it’s important to answer this question: Does the Number of Stem Cells Harvested and Injected Matter? Yes!  Bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells … Continued

rotator cuff surgery

Athletes and Rotator Cuff Surgery Are a Bad Mix

Rotator cuff tears are very common in professional athletes, particularly those who play sports that involve throwing, such as basketball and baseball. So with the game and a career on the line, you’d think the world of traditional orthopedics would have an effective noninvasive solution to treating these players. After all, they’ve worked hard to … Continued

Lumbar Disc Herniation

Lumbar Disc Herniation? Another Success Story with Epidural PRP

At the Centeno Schultz Clinic, we acknowledge that the pain associated with lumbar disc herniation can be debilitating. It may be that unrelenting sharp knife in the lower part of your back or the burning electrical stabbing pain that travels from your buttock down to your ankle. Let’s get to it then. Let’s talk about … Continued

shoulder decompression surgery

You May Want to Reconsider Shoulder Decompression Surgery

Month after month, it seems we’re seeing more and more high-level research evidence showing many orthopedic surgeries just don’t work. Decompression surgery to release the shoulder is one of those. Understanding Shoulder Decompression With shoulder decompression, bone spurs and ligaments are released by cutting them away from the structures they are impinging upon. The idea … Continued

Feet in shallow ocean water with waves splashing under a blue sky.

Popliteal Aneurysm & Avoiding Toe Amputations

At the Centeno-Schultz Clinic in Broomfield and Denver, Colorado, we acknowledge that the loss of a digit or limb can be a devastating psychological and physical event. There are many reasons for amputation. One is inadequate blood flow.  In the lower extremities, this can cause significant injury to both the nerves and vital structures, including … Continued

orthopedic stem cell treatment

How To Tell If An Orthopedic Stem Cell Treatment Is Legit

With clinics popping up in every community, plugging stem cells for just about any orthopedic problem that ails you, it can be difficult for patients to determine if the stem cell treatment being offered is the real deal. The short answer is, most are not, so it’s important for you to do your homework and … Continued

what you're getting with hip labrum surgery

What You’re Getting with Hip Labrum Surgery

Hip labrum surgery is a common procedure, and it typically is done for a labrum tear and hip impingement. It’s easy to assume that because a surgery is so common, there must be plenty of research backing it, so it must be the right solution for you. Unfortunately, however, with hip labrum surgery, supporting research … Continued

achilles tendon injuries

Why Surgery Is a Problem for Achilles Tendon Injuries

If you reach around behind your ankle and run your fingers from just above your heel bone to just below your calf muscle, you’ll feel a solid and very tight band of tissue known as the Achilles tendon. While it’s one of the strongest and biggest tendons in the human body, it can become overloaded, … Continued

Regenexx PRP Treatment Keeps Jiu-Jitsu Athlete In The Game

At the Centeno-Schultz Clinic, we acknowledge that a knee injury can be a game changer. Surgical repair of the ACL is associated with significant problems, which include the following: Jiu-Jitsu Athlete’s Knee Injury and Treatment BC is a 41-year-old jiu-jitsu competitor who sustained an injury to his right knee after a hyperextension injury that was … Continued

meniscus surgery outcomes

You May Not Be Satisfied With Your Meniscus Surgery

You’ve been having some knee pain, so your physician sends you for an MRI of the knee. The radiologist reports findings of a meniscus tear, and your doctor recommends meniscus repair. You’re first question is likely, Will this fix my knee pain? If it does, you are likely to be happy with your meniscus surgery, … Continued