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The Centeno-Schultz Blog

Progressive knee damage after meniscus surgery.

Consequences of Meniscus Surgery: Progression of Knee Arthritis

At the Centeno-Schultz Clinic, we are committed to providing image-guided injections of PRP and stem cells for common orthopedic conditions so that patients can avoid surgery. Orthopedic surgery is associated with a number of complications, which include, but are not limited to, infection, escalation in pain, deep vein thrombus and failure. A patient I saw … Continued

How to Accurately Evaluate Knee Stability: Dynamic Ultrasound

At the Centeno-Schultz Clinic, we utilize the SANS approach when evaluating patients, which prefaces the use of dynamic ultrasound for knee stability. SANS has four key components: Stability Articulation Neuromuscular Symmetry In a previous blog, I outlined the importance of stability. If a joint is unstable, it is at risk for injury since the cartilage … Continued

knee pain after knee replacement

Knee Pain After Knee Replacement: 5 Things You Need To Know

The vast majority of patients who make the decision to undergo a knee replacement do so because they are in pain. Perhaps they’ve lived with knee pain for years. Combine that with a doctor who’s telling them a total knee replacement is their last option, and it’s easy to understand why someone might believe surgery … Continued

SANS Approach

The Importance of Joint Stability + The SANS Approach

At the Centeno-Schultz Clinic, we utilize a systematic approach in our evaluation of each patient. This approach is called SANS and stands for the following: Today, I want to focus on stability. Stability in a mechanical sense means resistance to falling apart. In the context of your joint, stability refers to a joint that moves … Continued

hamstring tightness

Are My Tight Hamstrings Causing My Knee Pain?

The knee and hamstrings are in such close proximity that when your knee is hurting and your hamstrings muscles are tight, you might wonder if one is causing the other. What would that be called, “hamstring knee pain”?The answer, however, may not be as obvious as it might seem. In fact, the two may only … Continued

The Centeno-Schultz Difference

Much has transpired at Centeno-Schultz Clinic since I last blogged in 2011. The good news is that stem cell and platelet rich plasma (PRP) therapies have become mainstream as methods of treatment for many common orthopedic conditions. Both therapies are now an alternative to many orthopedic surgeries, oftentimes sparing patients the pain and dysfunction that … Continued

middle-age meniscus tears

Middle-Age Meniscus Tears? Surgery Isn’t the Solution

Chances are, if you’ve noticed a wrinkle or a gray hair here and there, you also have middle-age meniscus tears. However, just because your doctor finds a meniscus tear on an MRI doesn’t mean you need surgery. This is true even if you have knee pain as meniscus tears often show up on MRIs whether … Continued

3rd Annual Healthcare Innovator of the Year Awards

Centeno Schultz is proud to be recognized as a Healthcare Innovator of the Year by AdvancedMD. See below about us, or click here for the full story. To be considered an innovator in healthcare means that despite overwhelming healthcare policies, reimbursements, operational and staffing complexities, among many other challenges, leading independent medical practices and billing services are … Continued

Cyclist Off To Great Start With A Non-Surgical Option

[quote]Dr. Schultz and Hanson made me a believer in non-surgical knee repair. I had a snow mobile accident that resulted in a torn medial meniscus and a torn MCL. Having never had knee problems and living a very active lifestyle I was devastated when my ortho quickly suggested surgery and wanted to schedule me immediately. … Continued