Normal MRI: No therapy Indicated Specialized doctor discusses recent case in which physical examination was critical to diagnosing source of knee pain.
Surgical Complications: A Tale that is Seldom Told Specialized doctor discusses pulomonary embolism after knee surgery requiring long term anti-coagulation.
Is Knee Arthroscopy Effective? Specialized doctor discusses recent article which demonstrated that knee arthroscopy for osteoarthritis was no better than optimal physical and medical therapy.
Nip and Tuck of Meniscus: Advancing The Degenerative Cascade Specialized doctor discusses the role of knee meniscus and long term effect of meniscectomy.
MRI and Knee Pain Specialized doctor discusses common causes of lateral knee pain and importance of MRI images.
Enthesopathy: Fire in the Joint Specialized doctor discusses enthesopathies, common examples and treatment options.
BMI and Road Wear Specialized doctor discusses the association of increase body weight and knee cartilage loss.
Exercise Directs Path of Mesenchymal Stem Cells Specialized doctor discusses the importance of exercise on the differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells.
New Knee Cartilage Specialized doctor discusses regeneration of knee cartilage utilizing stem cell therapy.