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rotator cuff injury

Stine Pinilla Trains Through Nonsurgical Rotator Cuff Treatment

When athletes undergo surgery for an injury, it can mean lengthy downtimes and painful recoveries, and oftentimes, they never fully reach their preinjury performance levels. Not Stine Pinilla. When an athlete is at the professional or competitive level, the potential consequences of surgery can be particularly challenging. Last week we discussed why surgery shouldn’t be … Continued

rotator cuff tear surgery

Surgery Shouldn’t Be a Given for Rotator Cuff Tears

Rotator cuff tears may be common, but it can still be worrisome to find out that you have one. Just hearing the word tear associated with any part of the body sounds bad, and our first thoughts might be to get it repaired—after all, that’s what you do with any kind of tear, right? Pair … Continued

severe shoulder arthritis

Can a Stem Cell Injection Treat Severe Shoulder Arthritis?

Our bodies shouldn’t be treated like machines in which if a part breaks down, like a shoulder or a knee, for example, we just replace it. Yet this is often the result in the traditional orthopedic-care model. With severe shoulder arthritis, and other musculoskeletal conditions, when conservative treatments are no longer effective and dangerous drugs, … Continued

Elective Shoulder Surgery Gone Bad

My last blog discussed the AC (acromioclavicular) joint and why it might be contributing to your neck pain. This time I’m setting my sites on elective shoulder surgery. The AC joint can also undergo surgery if thought to be contributing to the impingement of the rotator cuff. The surgery is termed acromioplasty, and it is … Continued

Is Your AC Joint Contributing to Your Ongoing Neck Pain?

At the Centeno-Schultz Clinic, we understand the complexities of the human body and appreciate how structures are interrelated. We  reject the piecemeal approach commonly employed by orthopedic surgeons and pain-management specialists and embrace the body as a whole when evaluating and treating patients. Such is the case with the AC joint and the areas connected … Continued

shoulder problem caused by neck

Why Your Shoulder Issue May Actually Be A Neck Problem

If there’s one thing that we probably preach more so than any other at CSC, it’s that the body is actually one fully functioning machine. While at some point in medical history, it was stripped down and broken into individual body systems (e.g., nervous system, musculoskeletal system, gastrointestinal system, circulatory system, etc.) and from there … Continued

can osteonecrosis be treated without surgery

Can Osteonecrosis Be Treated Without Surgery?

Osteonecrosis, directly translated, means death (necrosis) of bone (osteo-). It can be a frightening diagnosis for a patient to hear. First, a patient will likely wonder if there is anything that can be done to stop the bone from dying, and if the physician advises surgery, which they almost always do, a patient might wonder … Continued

AC joint separation

AC Separation In The Shoulder: Surgery Or Not?

An AC joint separation, or dislocation, in the shoulder can occur as a result of an injury. For example, our own Dr. Centeno experienced a separation of his AC joint 30 years ago in a motorcycle crash. Even at that time, he opted against surgery, and based on current research, there’s a good chance that … Continued

Volleyball Athlete Returns To Play After PRP Injection

At the Centeno-Schultz Clinic, evaluation of joint stability is key. It is part of the SANS approach we utilize when evaluating and treating patients. Stability (the first S in the SANS approach) means a joint that moves with all the surfaces in general alignment, all the time. The ligaments that surround the joint are critical to … Continued

diagnosing shoulder pain

3 Reasons To Get A Second Opinion On Your Rotator Cuff Tear

When a patient presents to his or her doctor with chronic shoulder pain, the doctor may send the patient for an MRI. If the MRI finds a rotator cuff tear and the doctor diagnoses this as the cause of the shoulder pain, it seems logical enough; few patients would question this finding. However, there’s a … Continued