What is a Cervical Disc?
There are 23 discs in the spine: 6 in the cervical region (neck), 12 in the thoracic region (middle back), and 5 in the lumbar region (lower back). The disc’s function is to provide flexibility and stability to the spine. The disc absorbs approximately 70% of the forces placed on…
Getting A Second Opinion After Surgery: Why Do You Need It?
Seeking a second opinion from another health provider isn’t that uncommon if surgery is recommended as a treatment option. After all, surgery is invasive, expensive and recovery can be many months in duration. As such, you’ll want to ensure the surgery is the right choice and necessary before proceeding. However,…
Thoracic Spine MRI: What is It?
Are you getting an MRI of your thoracic spine? Get the help you need with the Centeno-Schultz Clinic. Learn what you need to know about this exam. What to expect on your thoracic spine MRI scan? What exactly is an MRI of the thoracic spine? How does an MRI work?…
Thoracic Spine X-Ray: Diagnosing Spinal Conditions
Thoracic pain can be debilitating. There are many causes of thoracic pain which include disc, facet, costovertebral joint, ligament, and tendon injuries. An accurate diagnosis is paramount. X-rays are an important tool that is used to accurately diagnose many thoracic spine conditions. Benefits Of X-Rays For The Thoracic Spine Thoracic…
Cervical Anterior Longitudinal Ligament (ALL) Injuries – What to Know
Is chronic neck pain keeping you from enjoying daily life and activities? Neck feeling stiff, and hurting with computer work turning in the car, playing with your children? Have you been told your neck imaging is fine, you just have a whiplash injury and should be fine, but you know…