Sacroiliac Joint Surgery
Sacroiliac Joint Surgery is commonly done to treat SI joint instability and pain. Does it have any complications? Is it the best solution for the problem? In order to answer those questions, we need to start with the Sacroiliac Joint , or SI Joint, itself. What Is the Sacroiliac Joint?…
The Aging Athlete Series: Episode 4-Should I Take Metformin?
I’m an aging athlete who gets orthobiologic therapies to stay active with a family history of obesity, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes. Meaning, I got dealt a bad hand in the grand poker game of genetics. Recently some groundbreaking research came out on Metformin and how it may slow…
Understanding CCI Measurements vs. Instability: CCI Series Episode 1
Craniocervical instability is a very misunderstood concept because it’s been made so complex with different measurements and aggressive treatments. Hence, I’ll be writing a series of blogs to try to help patients understand various concepts. Today’s entry is about how CCI measurements relate to instability. What Is Craniocervical Instability? CENTENO…
Do I Need Back Surgery Quiz
Low back pain can be disabling and erode your quality of life. What are the common causes of low back pain? What is lumbar fusion? Is lumbar fusion effective? Is there a “Do I need back surgery quiz?” to help navigate this issue? Let’s dig in. Do I Need Back…
The Aging Athlete Series: Ep 3 – The Core Before Everything
This is my weekly “Aging Athlete Series” tip. This series is for people in their 30’s and up who want to stay active as they age. Those who want to be that guy or gal who is in their 70’s or 80’s who are still doing cool active stuff. This…