Discoveries on Aging: What if We Really Could Stop It?
While, to some degree, there may be things we can do to slow aging, most of us would likely agree that stopping it would be even better. So as study after study finds small ways to slow aging, has anyone found a way to stop it in its tracks or,…
What To Consider Before A PRP Or Stem Cell Injection
That nagging pain has gotten the best of you, and you have finally opted to proceed with a platelet-rich plasma or stem cell injection. Please recognize that there is so much more involved that will impact your safety and clinical outcome. Not All Clinics Are the Same First and foremost…
Fasting May Give Your Stem Cells a Boost
There are many things you can do to help improve your stem cells, your body’s natural repairmen. Cutting the sugar, exercising, avoiding certain medications and steroids for starters. In fact, we provide a supplement to patients and right here on our blog that covers some of the primary things you…
Climbing Mountains Thanks To Knee Stem Cell Treatment
One of our favorite things at the Centeno-Schultz Clinic is getting feedback from patients who have reclaimed their active lifestyles after treatments. While we utilize a registry for ongoing follow-up and to keep track of patient outcomes, there’s nothing quite like getting an amazing picture of or letter from a…
What’s Causing My Outside Ankle Pain?
Our ankles carry the weight of our entire body and manage movement and motion with every step we take. They are easily among the most stressed joints in the body, so it’s easy to understand that ankle pain, particularly along the outside of the ankle, is quite common. Why the…