Do You Really Need a Hip Impingement Surgery?
Hip impingement surgery was a relatively unknown procedure up until about the last decade, when it skyrocketed to the second most common surgery on the hip (just behind hip replacement). Why? Arthroscopic surgery was introduced to the hip, and this opened doors for more hip procedures. The question of why…
Volleyball Athlete Returns To Play After PRP Injection
At the Centeno-Schultz Clinic, evaluation of joint stability is key. It is part of the SANS approach we utilize when evaluating and treating patients. Stability (the first S in the SANS approach) means a joint that moves with all the surfaces in general alignment, all the time. The ligaments that surround…
Plantar Fasciitis: 3 Reasons Steroid Injections Are a Bad Idea
Steroids are powerful anti-inflammatory drugs that are injected in high doses to treat conditions that are highly inflammatory and cause pain, such as arthritis, tendonitis, and even plantar fasciitis. To many, after dealing with chronic pain due to inflammation for weeks, months, or longer, the idea of steroids may sound…
Shoe Sole Wearing Fast: Are Irritated Back Nerves To Blame?
How we walk varies for each of us, and some of us tend to wear out our shoes much faster than others. Pull out the pair of shoes you wear most often, turn them over, and take a good look at the soles. Are the worn areas fairly balanced? Or…
Reasons To Get A Second Opinion On Your Rotator Cuff Tear
When a patient presents to his or her doctor with chronic shoulder pain, the doctor may send the patient for an MRI. If the MRI finds a rotator cuff tear and the doctor diagnoses this as the cause of the shoulder pain, it seems logical enough; few patients would question…