What is Exosome Therapy, is it safe and does it work? Doctor Schultz discusses what Exosomes are and what they do, and the recent FDA warning letter about Exosome therapy.
Most people view ACL surgery like they’re taking their car in for a new part. However, the reality is quite different. However, is there an ACL surgery alternative? Yes, meet the Perc-ACLR procedure. What Is the ACL? Before we learn about a new ACL surgery alternative, let’s review some background. The ACL is a ligament … Continued
A bone spur is an abnormal outgrowth of bone that can occur on any bone, tendons, and ligaments. It can be a source of pain and limit joint mobility. Dr. Schultz discusses the importance of stability and bone spurs and Tenex, a non surgical option for removal of bone spurs.
I love to write about what I experience, so this weekend a question came across social media about using HGH for osteoarthritis. While this has been the subject of some interesting airline magazine advertising for years, this patient sent along an article for me to review. Hence, I thought it was time to visit this … Continued
There are ligaments that hold your head on and they can be injured just like any other ligament. Some of these structures your average physician only obliquely know about, some only super-specialists know, and some, like today’s ligament, is so obscure that it needed to be rediscovered by scientists. It’s all very exciting because it … Continued
I get asked all the time by patients how best to control inflammation. I have a specific protocol I personally use to control my old man’s tendency for that dangerous slow burn that we all experience as we age, so I want to share that with you. Let’s dig in. What You Shouldn’t Use The … Continued
John Pitts MD, our Nutrition Expert, shares his recommendations for the Top 7 best and worst food choices for good health. Following these regularly is much easier than you might think, and will make going off track a bit during the Holidays less significant.
Ski and snowboarding season is upon us. Early season conditions mixed with overly enthusiastic fans can result in knee injuries and surgeries, and ACL injuries are one of the most common. What is an ACL? What is ACL surgery? Can ACL reconstruction fail? Can an ACL tear heal without surgery? Is there a non-surgical treatment for … Continued
Lifting weights has many benefits. Shoulder pain from lifting weights can arise from many sources. Dr. Schultz discusses some of the unrecognized causes of shoulder pain and treatment options.