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The Centeno-Schultz Blog

human tissue regeneration

A Sneak-Peek into the Future of Human Tissue Regeneration

It’s unlikely that anyone (outside of scientists studying the topic) dwells too much on the fact that many nonhuman creatures can regrow significant parts of their bodies. However, when we do take time to think about it, it certainly seems unfair that we humans can’t. Some creatures can regrow entire limbs. Or consider the biology-class … Continued

degenerative spondylolisthesis

Why Diagnosing Degenerative Spondylolisthesis Early Is Critical

You might not be able to imagine your doctor as a patient, but doctors sometimes find themselves on the other side of the stethoscope. Our own Dr. Centeno is a good example of a doctor turned patient when it comes to diagnosing and treating degenerative spondylolisthesis. A degenerative condition, without intervention, will only worsen over … Continued

screen time

Exercise Can Balance All That Screen Time

It’s the day after Christmas, and it’s possible Santa brought you a new screen of some sort. It’s probably stating the obvious to say that the more time you spend sitting in front of a screen, be it a computer, gaming, smartphone, or television screen, the less time you spend being active. While some might … Continued

achilles tendinitis

PRP Treatment in an Ironman Triathlete with Achilles Tendinitis

Achilles tendon problems can significantly limit your activity level, and this can be particularly concerning if you are a high-level athlete. Missing out on training due to an injury can be not only physically draining but also mentally draining. One such example is of an Achilles tendinitis was in a seven-time Ironman triathlete patient of … Continued

epidural steroid injections

Why You’re Getting Less Relief with Your Epidural Steroid Injections

Epidural steroid injections are extremely common treatments provided for irritated or inflamed spinal nerves. These irritated nerves can cause pain in the area of the nerve in the back or neck or pain anywhere along the nerve branch in areas that nerve supplies, such as the knee, shoulder, hip, and so on. They might seem … Continued

lumbar fusion surgery

Lumbar Surgery and Its Consequences: A Patient’s Unfortunate Story

Lumbar Fusion Surgery often Results in Adjacent Segment Disease Lumbar surgery is often recommended for low back pain, leg pain, and lumbar disc herniations that are unresponsive to conservative therapy. One surgery that is commonly performed is lumbar fusion, which often results in adjacent segment disease (ASD). ASD occurs when the discs and facets above … Continued

an aspirin a day

Is an Aspirin a Day Worth the Risk?

It seems like almost every patient we see in their 40s or older has been told that a baby aspirin a day will keep heart attacks at bay. Whether they’ve heard it from a doctor, a family member or friend, or, probably even more likely in today’s digital age, off the Internet, many are under … Continued

leg muscle wasting

A Low Back Nerve May Be Causing Your Leg Muscle Wasting

Leg muscle wasting is common with aging. If you’re over 60 and relatively sedentary, you may have started to notice thinning legs or even a flatter, less firm bottom; this is a sign of muscle wasting. While we might be inclined to attribute this to a less active lifestyle or lack of regular exercise, and … Continued

knee stem cell treatment update

Six Years After Knee Stem Cell Treatment: A Success Story

The image above, sent to us last year by Dr. Schultz’s patient Craig, tells the story. Look how happy he is to be on the slopes! In 2011, an orthopedic surgeon wanted to amputate his knee and replace it with an artificial one, but, thankfully, knowing this would drastically limit his active lifestyle, Craig declined … Continued

wrist pain

Help! Why Does My Wrist Hurt?

The wrist is a very complex joint made up of many tiny bones and ligaments. With so many individual parts and pieces all working together to make up one functional joint structure, a lot can go wrong. Just one stretched tiny ligament or injured little bone can wreak havoc on the wrist as a whole … Continued