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The Centeno-Schultz Blog

Does Your Stem Cell Expert Have A Dangerous History?

In our digital age, we are obsessed with evaluations and ratings. We search diligently on Amazon for the “best product” with the best reviews and ratings. Consumer Reports is a go-to for a large purchase, where we spend time reviewing the pros and cons and editor’s notes. Dining plans are often made after reviewing Yelp … Continued

prevent arthritis

5 Ways To Keep Your Joints Healthy And Prevent Arthritis

Keeping your joints healthy and strong is the key to preventing, or delaying the onset of, wear-and tear arthritis, or osteoarthritis. If arthritis is already a part of your life, this doesn’t mean you should stop caring for you joints. There are many things you can either relieve your symptoms or protect your joints as … Continued

arthritis in smaller joints

Hands, Ankles, Wrists, and Toes…Arthritis in the Smaller Joints

During our arthritis series for National Arthritis Month, we’ve talked a lot about the big joints—the knees, hips, and shoulders. But arthritis in smaller joints, such as the hands, ankles, wrists, and toes, can be equally devastating. Today, we’re going to explore arthritis and regenerative treatments, including some patient results and videos, in the ankles … Continued

arthritis causing event

Have You Experienced an “Arthritis Causing Event”?

We talk a lot about arthritis that can occur from wear and tear to a joint with aging. This is because gradual wear and tear as we age is the most common reason arthritis occurs; however, arthritis can also result from a prior injury. The most common form of arthritis is osteoarthritis (OA) with about … Continued

shoulder popping

Your Shoulder Popping Could Be an Early Arthritis Warning

Does your shoulder click, pop, or creak, or does it just feel somehow out of whack? If you answered yes, the next question you may ask yourself is, does it hurt or is it disrupting your normal activities? If you answered no, like most people, you probably aren’t too concerned. What harm could it be … Continued

Successful Regenexx Ankle Treatment Gets Kiteboarder Flying Again

At the Centeno-Schultz Clinic, we appreciate the pain, discouragement, and frustration associated with an injury. It can be heartbreaking when an injury takes one away from his or her passion and athletic colleagues. We also acknowledge that for best clinical results, one must look beyond a given joint and take a more global approach. This … Continued

steroid shots for arthritis

Steroid Shots for Arthritis Are a Bad Combination

Let’s face it. No arthritis sufferer becomes overjoyed at the thought of getting steroid shots. Steroids are riddled with many well-known side effects, such as weight gain, changes in behavior or mood, headaches, and so on. While arthritis pain may be difficult to bear at times, none of us want the added discomfort of dealing … Continued

Four people posing at a 'Lifting the Limits for PKU' event in formal attire.

Centeno-Schultz Clinic Sponsors PKU Fundraiser

Centeno-Schultz Clinic is committed to supporting the community. Last weekend we proudly supported Lifting the Limits for PKU held at the Denver Center for Performing Arts. Phenylketonuria (PKU) is a rare inherited disorder that causes an amino acid called phenylalanine to build up in the body. PKU is caused by a defect in the gene that … Continued

hip arthritis getting bad so fast

Why Is My Hip Arthritis Getting Bad So Fast?

A common symptom in patients who present to us with hip arthritis isn’t just pain, but pain that progresses very quickly. Patients often ask, Why is my arthritis getting bad so fast? While the breakdown of cartilage in the hip and decreased range of motion are common factors it shares with arthritis in other joints, … Continued

chondroitin vs celebrex

Chondroitin vs Celebrex: Which Is Better for Arthritis?

As a consumer in the US free-market society, you have a choice in the products you buy and use. This is also true for medical and health products. If you have arthritis, your doctor can prescribe whatever anti-inflammatory or analgesic medication he or she chooses, but you, as the recipient of that medication, truly have … Continued