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The Centeno-Schultz Blog

ABC News Story

CSC Featured On Abc News And Good Morning America Site

ABC News / Health has posted a story of Patricia Beals, a patient that we recently highlighted on the Regenexx Blog. Story: Last year, Patricia Beals was told she’d need a double knee replacement to repair her severely arthritic knees or she’d probably spend the rest of her life in a wheelchair. Hoping to avoid … Continued

priformis syndrome

Piriformis Syndrome: Ultrasound Therapy is Superior

The piriformis is a small but important muscle in the gluteal (buttock) area, and piriformis syndrome is the subject of this blog. It originates from sacrum(base of lumbar spine), exits the pelvis through the sciatic foramen and inserts on the greater trochanter of the femur(hip bone). The piriformis muscle functions to laterally rotate the hip. … Continued

Powder Skiing

Stem Cell Therapy for Meniscus Injuries: A Comprehensive Approach

Steep and deep skiing is fantastic but can result in debilitating injuries. CP is a 60y/o avid extreme snow and water skier who sustained a right knee injury in the back-country.  He had undergone three previous knee surgeries with limited success. Conservative treatment included active release PT, chiropractic care, acupuncture and trial of NSAID’s without significant benefit. CP was familiar … Continued

Life Extension Magazine Feature

Life Extension Magazine Features the Centeno-Schultz Clinic

The Centeno-Schultz Clinic and the Regenexx stem cell procedures for orthopedic injuries were featured in the January issue of Life Extension magazine. The link isn’t yet available on-line (the Jan issue is on newstands now), but here is the copy of the article which was sent to me by the author, Julius Goeb, M.D.: Joe … Continued

Patient Pain Relief - Shoulder

Patient Shoulder Pain Relief

Patient suffered from radiating shoulder pain. The pain began insidiously and it was a crampy achy type of pain starting in the shoulder and radiating along the radial aspect of the arm to the thumb. Result: Resolved in two months. What did the Centeno Clinic do to help this patient?: A series if IMS (Intramuscular … Continued