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knee osteoarthritis

knee and hip arthritis

The Differences Between Knee and Hip Arthritis

While they might share the term arthritis and live just a joint apart, knee and hip arthritis are really two different diseases. In interventional orthopedics, we see patients with knee or hip arthritis every day and have clearly observed these differences ourselves, and research published a couple of years ago has confirmed this. In order … Continued

decrease your risk of knee arthritis

How to Decrease Your Risk for Knee Arthritis

Arthritis comes in many forms, such as osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and traumatic arthritis (arthritis that occurs due to an injury), but the most common, by far, is osteoarthritis (OA) with over 30 million Americans, according to the CDC, carrying an OA diagnosis. The most common joint for arthritis to develop in is the knee, and, … Continued

orthobiologics to treat arthritis

Using Orthobiologics to Treat and Prevent Arthritis

Today, May 1, marks the beginning of National Arthritis Month, which occurs in May of every year. According to the Arthritis Foundation, one in five adults will be afflicted with arthritis. This makes it the front-runner for disability in the U.S., something we in the field of interventional orthopedics are determined to address. So throughout … Continued

Medical professional administering an injection into a patient's knee.

Did Your Recent Knee Injection Actually Accelerate the Degeneration?

At the Centeno-Schultz Clinic, safety is first and foremost. As physicians we have a responsibility to our patients and community to do no harm. To that extent, we asked a key question in 2016. Do commonly injected local anesthetics harm stem cells? You know, those medicines used to numb an area? The short answer is YES! We … Continued

knee instability

Check Your Knee Stability with 4 Simple Tests

Knee stability, and stability in general, is very important. Lack of knee stability can lead to more problems over time, such as pain and arthritis. What would cause you to suspect you have knee instability? You may notice your knee joint cracking or popping, or you might experience a sudden shift in the joint with … Continued

A cyclist is shown riding uphill on a paved road under a clear blue sky

71-Year-Old Avoids Knee Replacement With Regenexx Stem Cells

Skiing, cycling, or running is a way of life for many. Early mountain ascents up switchbacks or 30- to 40-mile bicycle rides are weekly occurrences. Weekends and holidays are organized around extending physical limits and or reducing times. Knee pain can seriously compromise an individual’s ability to ski, cycle, or run. Swelling and weakness can … Continued

knee replacement for knee pain

A Knee Replacement May Not Relieve Your Knee Pain

Knee pain in patients with knee arthritis can become quite debilitating at times, affecting function and quality of life. It’s understandable that if your doctor determines the solution is a knee replacement for knee pain and is offering you a shiny, brand-spanking-new knee and you’ve lived with pain for a long time, you might be … Continued

knee pain after knee replacement

Knee Pain After Knee Replacement: 5 Things You Need To Know

The vast majority of patients who make the decision to undergo a knee replacement do so because they are in pain. Perhaps they’ve lived with knee pain for years. Combine that with a doctor who’s telling them a total knee replacement is their last option, and it’s easy to understand why someone might believe surgery … Continued