Lipogems Patient Reviews vs Published Research
Lipogems is a medical device that processes a patient's own fat. The fat is used in the treatment of various orthopedic conditions. Dr. Schultz discusses the important difference between adipose stem cells, and fat graft treatments, and published studies using the Lipogems procedure.
Craniocervical Instability Treatment – Pam’s Story
The PICL procedure is now 5 years old and we’re now seeing the first long-term, non-surgical craniocervical instability treatment results. This morning I’ll highlight one of those patients who I followed up on yesterday. But first, I’ll also discuss a bit of PICL history you may not know. What is…
Is PRP Covered by Health Insurance?
PRP is a concentration of the patient's own blood platelets in their serum. There are a growing number of indications for PRP. Dr. Schultz discusses health insurance and Medicare coverage of PRP along with what to absolutely avoid during a PRP injection.
CCI Exercises for Post-PICL Rehab (CCI Series: Episode 5)
One of the more common questions I get from patients who undergo the PICL procedure is what does the physical therapy or rehab program look like after the procedure. Hence, I thought I would dive deep into a program that anyone can do at home or provide a physical therapist…
Dr. Pitt’s Inverted Food Pyramid – Excerpt From Nutrition 2.0
Chapter 3: Bringing the Nutrition Information Together [Excerpt] So What Do I Eat and Drink? First, disregard the food pyramid, and take no health advice from the media. The current food pyramid is outdated, and research shows it offers no protection against chronic diseases. In a nutshell, you should eat…