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The Centeno-Schultz Blog

back fusion

Why a Back Fusion May Just Lead to More Fusions

Today we’re seeing more and more orthopedic surgeons fusing multiple back bones at once. Instead of a one-level lumbar fusion, which fuses two bones together, they’re doing two or three levels, which fuses three or four bones together. We probably don’t have to state the obvious here, but the more levels that are permanently joined … Continued

HIIT or Endurance Exercise

Hiit Vs Endurance Exercise: Which Is Better For Cell Health?

Hit any gym in your area and you’ll encounter those with strong opinions on the benefits of high-intensity interval training (HIIT) over endurance exercise and vice versa. The truth is, there are benefits to both, as those who participate in, for example, a CrossFit class (HIIT) one day and an aerobics class (endurance) the next … Continued

Torn Tendon In Foot

Torn tendons in foot are a common cause of pain and disability. The Achilles tendon is a frequently torn tendon in foot. The Achilles tendon is a thick band of fibrous tissue that connects the gastrocnemius muscle to the heel bone. It is the largest tendon in the human body. Contraction of the gastrocnemius muscle … Continued

Regenerative Orthopedic Medicine & Meniscus Tears, Part I

The last few days were used to discuss meniscus tears and the lacking evidence that surgical interventions provide. See the most recent evidence at Am J Sports Med. 2010 Sep;38(9):1907-16. Epub 2010 Jun 29. Turning to regenerative orthopedic medicine and meniscus tears, let’s consider other options. Today I’ll discuss attempting to reverse meniscus displacement outside the … Continued

Meniscus Tears & Surgery, Part II

Yesterday, I blogged on the structure and function of the meniscus. Today, I’ll discuss some of the current literature on meniscus tears and surgery. This is commonly referred to by orthopedic surgeons as cleaning up or fixing the meniscus, however, what is genuinely happening is the removal of a portion of the cushion and stabilizing … Continued

interventional orthopedics

Interventional Orthopedics Is Not Surgical Orthopedics

If you read this blog often, you know we discuss interventional orthopedics often, but do you know what that means? First, interventional orthopedics is not surgical orthopedics, and it’s important to distinguish between them. Interventional and surgical orthopedics are two entirely separate fields of medicine that besides the fact that they both are focused on … Continued

Cipro antibiotic

Is Your Cipro Antibiotics Damaging Your Cells?

We sometimes see new patients in our clinic who have had devastational results after taking quinolone antibiotics in the past, such as Cipro (ciprofloxacin). Usually, these are severe and chronic problems in their tendons, a common issue associated with these antibiotics. A recent study suggests, however, that tendon issues aren’t the only problems we should … Continued

human tissue regeneration

A Sneak-Peek into the Future of Human Tissue Regeneration

It’s unlikely that anyone (outside of scientists studying the topic) dwells too much on the fact that many nonhuman creatures can regrow significant parts of their bodies. However, when we do take time to think about it, it certainly seems unfair that we humans can’t. Some creatures can regrow entire limbs. Or consider the biology-class … Continued

degenerative spondylolisthesis

Why Diagnosing Degenerative Spondylolisthesis Early Is Critical

You might not be able to imagine your doctor as a patient, but doctors sometimes find themselves on the other side of the stethoscope. Our own Dr. Centeno is a good example of a doctor turned patient when it comes to diagnosing and treating degenerative spondylolisthesis. A degenerative condition, without intervention, will only worsen over … Continued

screen time

Exercise Can Balance All That Screen Time

It’s the day after Christmas, and it’s possible Santa brought you a new screen of some sort. It’s probably stating the obvious to say that the more time you spend sitting in front of a screen, be it a computer, gaming, smartphone, or television screen, the less time you spend being active. While some might … Continued