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The Centeno-Schultz Blog

Stem Cells Part 3: Delegating Repair Tasks To Other Cells

In part 3 of our “Let’s Talk Stem Cells” series, we’re going to talk about how stem cells delegate repair tasks to other cells to help with healing. Based on older research, it was initially believed that stem cells accomplished this only through differentiation (i.e., transforming into and then replacing a damaged cell). However, a … Continued

Is Your Headache Arising from Your Neck?

At the Centeno-Schultz Clinic, we acknowledge that headache pain can be disabling. It can rob you of your ability to engage in and love life and render you incapable of completing the easiest of tasks. Headaches can arise from a number of stimuli, which include but are not limited to fatigue, hormonal imbalance, sun exposure, … Continued

stem cells deactivate bad cells

Let’s Talk Stem Cells Part 2: Deactivating Bad Cells

Continuing in our “Let’s Talk Stem Cells” series, today we’re covering part 2 in which we’ll explain how your stem cells deactivate bad cells. In particular, we are going to look at macrophage and microglial cells, our body’s clean-up crew. Unfortunately, sometimes these clean-freak cells can go rogue and attack healthy cells and tissues as … Continued

how stem cells work

Let’s Talk Stem Cells Part 1: Recharging Damaged Batteries

Most people really don’t understand how stem cells work or what it is they do exactly. So over the next couple of weeks, we’re going to dedicate some time to just talking stem cells because there’s so much to cover. Each topic also has an accompanying video, so be sure to watch. In “Let’s Talk … Continued

your arthritic knee injected with bone cement

Should You Have Your Arthritic Knee Injected with Bone Cement?

Along with cartilage degeneration that occurs in arthritis, an MRI of the knee may also show a bone marrow lesion (BML). In recent years, injecting bone cement into these BMLs (a new procedure called a subchondroplasty) in arthritic knees has become a trend. While we’ve seen favorable outcomes reported on this procedure at conferences, in … Continued

Elective Shoulder Surgery Gone Bad

My last blog discussed the AC (acromioclavicular) joint and why it might be contributing to your neck pain. This time I’m setting my sites on elective shoulder surgery. The AC joint can also undergo surgery if thought to be contributing to the impingement of the rotator cuff. The surgery is termed acromioplasty, and it is … Continued

fusion to get off the opioids

Getting a Fusion to Get Off the Opioids? Think Again!

Back pain is an epidemic and perhaps one of the most common reasons opioids and other narcotics are prescribed. You likely either know someone or are someone who has struggled with back pain for years. Depending on your pain severity and back condition, when all else fails, the F word—fusion—is likely to get thrown out … Continued

interventinal orthopedic stem cell meniscus treatment

Watch Dr. Pitts Perform a Meniscus Tear Treatment

We can write post after post telling you all about the conditions we treat at the Centeno-Schultz Clinic, but to best understand what we do in interventional orthopedics, it’s helpful to actually watch a treatment in progress. Today, we’re bringing you inside a procedure suite with Dr. Pitts as he treats a young athlete’s meniscus … Continued

curcumin for joint health

Curcumin for Your Bone, Joint, and Stem Cell Health

With a great deal of supporting research, curcumin has taken center stage in the world of supplements in the U.S. in the last few years. Why? It seems it provides many benefits throughout the body, but our particular focus in interventional orthopedics is on curcumin for joint health, specifically its impact on the bones, joints, … Continued

insomnia and Muscle pain

Which Came First? Your Muscle Pain or Your Insomnia?

It makes sense that if you suffer from chronic pain, you might also be sleep deprived. It’s difficult to get comfortable when something hurts, and for those who have chronic pain, whether it’s muscle pain, joint pain, or anything else, sleep can be a constant struggle. While the natural assumption is that we can’t sleep … Continued