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chondroitin vs celebrex

Chondroitin vs Celebrex: Which Is Better for Arthritis?

As a consumer in the US free-market society, you have a choice in the products you buy and use. This is also true for medical and health products. If you have arthritis, your doctor can prescribe whatever anti-inflammatory or analgesic medication he or she chooses, but you, as the recipient of that medication, truly have … Continued

An image warns against using NSAIDs like Advil, Aleve, Motrin, and Aspirin.

Alternative to NSAIDs:  Identify and Treat the Underlying Problem

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are pervasive in the treatment of common pain syndromes. Common NSAIDs include Motrin, ibuprofen, Aleve, and Celebrex. NSAID have significant and dangerous side effects: Infertility in males has been linked to a hormonal imbalance caused by ibuprofen. NSAIDs may result in defective cartilage production by stem cells, therefore, preventing healing. The … Continued

Diet: Its Impact on Stem Cell Growth

Despite their terrible taste, disgusting odor and foul texture I followed by mother’s instructions: EAT your brussel sprouts. Mom insisted that diet was essential for our growth. Does diet have an impact on stem cell growth and differentiation? (what type of cells they will become when they grow up) Vanella demonstrated that high blood sugar levels, those commonly … Continued