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knee osteoarthritis

7 Most Common Symptoms of a Loose Knee Replacement

Walking became impossible.  Each step was associated with severe pain.  Knee replacement seemed like a good solution.  Unfortunately, months after the surgery problems exist.  Your doctor thinks you have a loose knee replacement.  What is a knee replacement?  What causes a knee replacement to become loose?  What are the 7 most common symptoms of a … Continued

disadvantages of knee replacement surgery

14 Disadvantages of Knee Replacement Surgery

Every step is a reminder of your knee pain.  Physical therapy and steroid injections did not help.  Your doctor is referring you for surgery.  What is knee replacement surgery?  What are the disadvantages of knee replacement surgery? What is the success rate of knee replacement surgery?  What are the alternatives to knee replacement surgery?  Let’s … Continued

treating knee arthritis with prop and stem cells

Stem Cell And PRP: A Promising Treatment For Arthritis

NEW RESEARCH: IS THERE EVIDENCE FOR TREATING KNEE ARTHRITIS WITH PRP AND STEM CELLS? We try to be as up-to-date on the latest research when it comes to orthopedic care. A few weeks ago a new article came out as a review article on cellular-based treatments covering treating knee arthritis with PRP and stem cells.  … Continued

HGH for osteoarthritis

HGH for Osteoarthritis?

I love to write about what I experience, so this weekend a question came across social media about using HGH for osteoarthritis. While this has been the subject of some interesting airline magazine advertising for years, this patient sent along an article for me to review. Hence, I thought it was time to visit this … Continued

Curcumin vs Diclofenac for the Management of Knee Osteoarthritis Pain

Knee pain can be disabling compromising quality of life and one’s ability to hike, run or ski. And it takes something as simple as curcumin to help with it. Traditional treatment options include ice, rest and oral NSAID’s such as Alleve, Motrin and Diclofenac. Significant side effects associated  NSAID  include: Are there safe alternatives?  Meet … Continued

knee arthritis pain

Is Exercise Better than NSAIDs for Knee Arthritis Pain?

America, as a whole, loves its nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). The tiniest ache or pain can send many running to their medicine cabinet for an NSAID to attempt to control that small pain before it gets worse. We see patients not only taking them to relieve pain but to prevent it before it even occurs, … Continued

Study: Regenerative therapy outperforms exercise for knee osteoarthritis over 2 years.

Regenexx Publishes New Stem Cell Study for Knee Osteoarthritis

Your knee is limiting your ability to ski a full day, play more than one match, or hike with friends and family. If you have knee osteoarthritis, then a new study by Regenexx might be supremely interesting to you! Evaluation has demonstrated that your knee has moderate osteoarthritis. What to do? Traditional treatment choices include … Continued

Outpatient surgery: low cost, high success, fast recovery.

Returning to Function After Total Knee Replacement: The Truth

At the Centeno-Schultz Clinic, we acknowledge the pain and limitation associated with knee osteoarthritis. It can make the simplest task, like walking upstairs or getting out of a chair, almost impossible at times. Symptomatic knee osteoarthritis occurs in 10% of men and 13% of women in the United States. The rate of osteoarthritis has more … Continued